Changes at Propertymark ‘are a clear case of action and not empty words’

Propertymark continues to try and appeal to agents with what the organisation describes as ‘a string of digital revamps and investments’ following the covid-19 pandemic.

A poll undertaken by EYE in March this year found that the majority of agents were in favour of changes to how Propertymark is run.

It was particularly interesting that a significant proportion of respondents to the survey – 71.1% – were members but still found the organisation to be unfit for purpose.

Propertymark had been rocked by the resignation of CEO Tim Balcon in March, while NAEA president Kirsty Finney also stepped down from her role earlier that month with no prior warning.

The Board of Propertymark responded by asking Nathan Emerson to assume the role of interim CEO.

Meanwhile, Propertymark tried to repair what some agents saw as a damaged reputation by sharing its vision for the near-term future, and now the organisation says that it is, thanks to Emerson’s leadership, proving its commitment ‘to give more back to members’.

Propertymark says it has listened to members’ feedback, arguing that a number of changes to its current offering shows that Emerson is pushing ahead with his plans for Propertymark to ‘excel as the industry pioneer in the digital arena’.

Launched last week, Propertymark says its ‘new state-of -the-art website and CRM system’ will ‘revolutionise’ how members interact with the organisation.

Propertymark says that this more advanced tool will enable members to ‘interact, engage and train’.

The site brings information from all previous divisional platforms together in a new digital space.

In a bid to ramp up its commitment to digital communication, Propertymark is expanding the marketing and communications team by introducing two new digital marketing professionals.

Propertymark has also introduced a full video suite at Arbon House in order to deliver the production of video content.

Propertymark says the decision was made to support its members to feel connected throughout restrictions, and that the suite will also be used to develop the future live streaming of regional meetings and events for people who are unable to physically attend.

In another response to the pandemic, Propertymark has announced it will be investing in an advanced remote invigilation system.

Nathan Emerson

Emerson commented: “The current restrictions shouldn’t hinder ambition. Members will be able to take their exams from the office or home without having to travel to a test centre.”

Reflecting on the changes, Emerson added: “We know how important it is to not just listen to our membership, but to actually deliver. These changes within Propertymark are a clear case of action and not empty words.

“We want our members to know that they are part of an industry leading body, and these changes prove we will adapt and evolve to remain ahead in unpredictable or changing environments.  We are unrelentingly committed to our members, upholding reputation, providing stability, and giving them results. Members will continue to be at the forefront of everything we do.”

Not only is Propertymark focussing on improving its online presence but it is asking members to “watch this space” as many other projects are underway.


Propertymark is not fit for purpose, EYE poll finds


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  1. James Christchurch

    This Emerson guy seems to know what he is talking about. I saw a few videos of him a few months back – decent fellow

  2. forwardthinker

    Precisely what the organisation has needed for many years. Take action, make things happen Nathan will do that. An ideal person to take the organisation forward, it’s only how long he will want to remain in the position for. Is he determined enough to take up a permanent role?

    The biggest challenge is raising the organisation’s profile amongst the public, which has dissipated over the last 20 years. Hopefully this new regime, with investment into digital platforms and marketing modernising the organisation we should start to see good things happening. Too many predecessors concerned with raising their own profile and sailing along in the role.

    Shout out to Nathan’s wing men and women too in support. Keep up the good work.




    1. MarkBolan95

      Totally agree forwardthinker, Nathan seems like the man, clear and concise with what he says, my hope also is that he takes up the role permanently as I believe Propertymark will then carry on to be steered in the right direction.

  3. jan - byers

    a pointless organisation

    1. Robert_May

      It actually isn’t Jan.  The PRS, letting and management provides  accommodation for about ¼ of the population, its an industry with a capital value of about £1,44 trillion, which turns over about £46 billion annually, Propertymark are one of the few organisation who have any skin in the game to regulate it.

      When stuff begins to go amiss with an industry  that important to the country and economy it is useful to have someone to email and say someone needs to look at this. Because Propertymark is one of the very few organisations connected to those who really ought to have concerns about what is going on; government, it isn’t pointless

      1. jan - byers

        Sorry – but the general public have never heard of this group.

        Has there ever been anything that PM have actually achieved? Not a dig I am asking a genuine question.

        My personal focus is on sales as a developer.

        It is as forwardthinker says totally toothless – no one cares about it – if you ask all of your vendors and buyers about it I am sure not will tony have even heard of it


        1. forwardthinker

          Sad to say you’re right. I conveyed this to Propertymark during a ridiculous disciplinary hearing where on Zoom beginning of the year I was hauled in front of a panel due to our client account reporting being late.

          Needless to say they threw some heavy fines at me probably because of my bad attitude towards them. I should have just left at that point, but been a member for over 20 years. If it wasn’t for this new regime would have departed.

    2. forwardthinker

      Toothless maybe Jan, but it’s never been pointless.

      Anyway, that was in the past. There’s a decent group fronting the organisation now.


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