What is currently happening in the UK property market?
UK House Prices remain firm as YTD ‘net’ property sales increase by almost a quarter compared to Jan 2024
UK House Prices remain firm as YTD ‘net’ property sales increase by almost a quarter compared to Jan 2024
The housing market is booming if you know where to look
The estate agency has achieved growth across all divisions
Despite the challenges of saving for a deposit and rising house prices, first-time buyers still account for more than half of all new mortgages
Snippets of industry news: Former Mr & Mrs Clarke duo join Moveli; Alex Mills steps up as head of sales & lettings at Presence & Co; INHOUS announces new head of sales
Agents gathered to discuss with industry experts and politicians the key challenges and opportunities the industry will have to navigate after sweeping changes take effect
The government is reviewing over 100 sites for new towns with work to start by 2029
FIA says it has several more partnerships in the pipeline for its network of independent estate agents
With automation playing an increasingly crucial role in property management, this shift marks a turning point in how rental payments are processed in the UK, says PropTech firm
This latest deal agreed by Lomond follows the acquisitions of Oakwood Homes in Kent and Uni2Rent in Nottingham
The shadow Levelling Up, Housing & Communities Secretary reflects on how Hunters, which he co-founded in 1992, was on the brink of collapse
Pass the Syrup returns for series two with a no-holds-barred take on the property industry
It is important for all agents to get to grips with the AML changes coming their way
The latest survey feedback indicates that growth in buyer demand lost a bit of momentum through the early part of the year
LRG comprises more than 300 branches across the UK and includes Leaders, Romans, Stirling Ackroyd and Acorn amongst its brands
Investment momentum looks set to build in the year ahead
The deal comes just days after the government’s recent commitment to digitising the homebuying process
The heightened levels of market activity being seen already this year suggest that sellers are getting their house in order now
The new range of two- and five year fixed-rate deals will be available from tomorrow
High-profile estate agent, Simon Bradbury, is both ‘fascinated and frustrated’ with the constant mud slinging between estate agents when it comes to which business model is best
Managing agent Savills apologised after a tenant felt that her complaints were being ignored
It has been interesting reading the responses on EYE to the government’s announcement about a new digital innovation project
Estate agency director is calling for a change in people’s perceptions after sleeping homeless for a month
Borrowers with a limited deposit may find it encouraging to see a growth in choice for mortgages available at 95% loan-to-value, now at its highest count in almost five years
The estate agency, established in 1981, felt that now was the right time to branch out
Landlords are increasingly embracing tenant autonomy, it is claimed
The rest of the country is closing the gap with London as demand spreads beyond the capital due to affordability pressures
Average tenancy lasting four months longer in 2024 than 2021, according to organisation’s data
Updated package of targeted lending and support for UK social housing, aimed at supporting local housing authorities and homeowners alike