Is the landlord right to claim for cost of replacing damaged Saniflo pump during the tenancy?
Using early resolution and self-resolution in deposit disputes could potentially help
Sandy Bastin Director of Resolution, TDS
Using early resolution and self-resolution in deposit disputes could potentially help
Check out what happened when tenant changeovers impacted claims for both cleaning and rent arrears. Do you agree with the outcome?
Cleaning with a bit of a twist: Fresh dispute involving cleaning and the issue raised surrounding when the works were actually carried out
Using early resolution and self-resolution in deposit disputes could potentially help
The evidence showed that the parties attempted to settle the dispute prior to adjudication, but no agreement was reached
To support the landlord’s claim, a tenancy agreement and a rent statement were provided as evidence
This month’s case looks at a claim made by the landlord against the tenants’ deposit for re-filling of an oil tank at the end of the tenancy
Most of the problems raised with TDS involve more than one issue, with cleaning and damage the most common areas of dispute
Who should pay for the hike in electricity and gas bills?
Agents and landlords may find that returning an undisputed deposit to the tenant as soon as possible may encourage early resolution of the dispute, without the need for formal adjudication.