New landlord licensing proposed

Wandsworth Council in London is seeking to introduce additional licensing for homes shared by more than three residents from different households, as well as new selective licensing for the wider private rented sector.

The aim of these schemes is to drive up standards, crack down on rogue landlords and ultimately raise more money for the council.

In a bid to win public support ahead of a 12-week consultation to start in the coming months, Wandsworth Council refers to the proposed schemes as ‘landlord licensing on rogue landlords’, which some people could interpret as suggesting that all local BTL investors are unscrupulous operators.

Currently the local authority operates mandatory licensing for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) with five or more residents from different households.

The proposed additional licensing will cover smaller HMOs that are not already addressed under the existing mandatory scheme, including properties containing three or more residents from different households. This will apply borough-wide.

The selective licensing scheme proposed covers the wider PRS and will be rolled out in Tooting Bec, Tooting Broadway and Furzedown – an estimated 8,600 properties – where the prevalence of the most serious housing hazards are predicted to be present. Once established, the Council has the option of expanding this across other areas of the borough with the Secretary of State’s approval.

The introduction of both of these schemes will allow the Council to hold poor landlords to account and to take action to improve standards across the sector.

Aydin Dikerdem, cabinet member for housing, said: “Having a good home is the foundation for a good life. The schemes we are proposing would mean that the council is able to take more robust action on sub-standard homes and increase the support available to tenants – improving standards in HMOs and the Private Rental market and creating a fairer borough for everyone.”

After the 12-week consultation, the results will be presented to the Housing Committee for a decision on whether to implement the schemes.



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  1. MrManyUnits

    Why not licence the properties where you have 2 complaints, that way good Landlords will not be burdened or indeed sell up.

    More foot shooting comes to mind at present.

  2. MickRoberts

    Exactly as MrManyUnits says.
    Where does the Govt & Council’s think the money is coming from to pay this?

    We trying to look after tenants, 60% of us didn’t do rent increases before Licensing, now we need to to pay for Licensing. And it’s us good ones with good tenants who are having to be Licensed when we didn’t have a problem before. Good tenants are suffering here.

  3. NW.Landlord

    Using the term “Rogue Landlords” is wrong. I agree there are some, but if the scheme is just for them that’s ok. There is also a strong need for a register of tenants – save the good landlords from a lot of grief. Imagine the outrage if a tenant registration scheme had a similar label.

  4. Woodentop

    If you have rogue landlords … why don’t they enforce current legalisation? Licensing does not create extra standards other than raise money on all those that are not rogue, it does prohibit renting without a licence but that’s not controlling the problem.

    1. MickRoberts

      Well said Woodentop

      Landlords get fined for no licence but house good tenants happy, but new reg has now made Landlord a criminal. He now sells house. Less supply= Now more expensive rents.


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