easyProperty boss confirms imminent launch into sales

easyProperty boss Robert Ellice has confirmed that his company will launch into sales shortly – somewhere between July and September.

In an interview, he said: “We have just launched room rentals and a property management service and will be introducing a commercial property lettings offering shortly.

“Towards the summer, we will launch a short-term lettings service followed by our sales offering in Q3 2015.”

Ellice revealed that the online firm, currently specialising in lettings, now employs 40 staff and a network of contractors around the country.

He told London Loves Business: “Our aim is to bring trust and a recognisable name to the world of online estate agency.”

He also hit out at OnTheMarket, which bans online agents such as easyProperty and has its “one other portal” rule.

He said OTM limits consumer choices and restricts the potential market reach of sellers and landlords trying to find buyers and sellers.

He said: “OnTheMarket promotes this strategy to its member agents, and many consumers will, most likely, not be told about it, yet it could potentially damage their chances of a sale or let.

“Our industry is seen by many as one that will use every dirty trick in the book to make as much money as possible from sellers, buyers, landlords and tenants.

“What we need is to be demonstrating a greater level of transparency in the way we deal with consumers, not reinforcing these stereotypes.”

The interview is here


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  1. Jonnie

    Big yawn – Jonnie

  2. Typhoon

    So do we deduce from this that all REAL estate agents are sleazy and  untrustworthy with horns and all UNREAL -sorry -online estate agents are the model of integrity with halos!


    Let’s get real. The vast majority of agents are honest, hardworking professionals who work their socks off for their clients and provide support and help for their clients. Sure there are rogues out there. there are in very business.


    It’s fascinating to see the numbers of online agents cropping up all over the place.Time will tell whether what they offer is enough for the selling (and buying) public. Or is on line only estate agency today’s version of the dot com bubble that bust so spectacularly in days gone by?

    1. PeeBee

      Nope, Typhoon – we don’t need to deduce anything.  Mr Ellice spells it out mucho clearo:

      “Our aim is to bring trust and a recognisable name to the world of online estate agency… Our industry is seen by many as one that will use every dirty trick in the book to make as much money as possible from sellers, buyers, landlords and tenants.”

      Clearly, when he states”Our industry” he is referring to the new ‘pay-up-front-see-what-you-gets’ property industry that government encouraged to enter the sector – not ours.

      I think it’s right big of him to warn people of the dangers.  No doubt Watchdog/Trevor McDonald/that horrendous Maitland bloke will be adding the sector to their game of ‘which industry shall we bash this week’…

  3. IndAgent

    Just like me buying a couple of cheap planes at the weekend and trying to compete with EasyJet. They won’t be competing with agents, they will ONLY be competing with Purplebricks, EMoov, BaaaaRamEwe and so on…….

  4. RealAgent

    Sorry, who are easyProperty?

  5. PeeBee

    Such a pity that good old Easy Chris has his hands full these days wot wiv bein’ an “Executive Director” an’ all that – he hasn’t got time for chat and billshuttery wiv his old EYE muckers any more… cos it’s all goin’ online nah, innit?

  6. wilko

    I would have thought they would want to get their lettings right before tackling sales???

    Numbers are nowhere near what “easychris” told us when boasting about the projections, and the photos of the properties on the site just get worse and worse!

  7. Robert May

    “Our aim is to bring trust and a recognisable name to the world of online estate agency.”  Any thoughts on a name yet?

  8. fluter

    It would be interesting to know where all the on-liners staff come from and how much industry experience they have to be able to deliver all the promises of a better service, selling price etc. Any thoughts?

    1. wilko

      I think there staff come from any background ……except professional estate agency, as there are no professional agents that would want to get involved.

      1. fluter

        Oh wilko, it’s “their” not “there”. Schoolboy error as perpetrated by many.

        1. PeeBee

          And seeing as we are on the subject of schoolboy errors, fluter…

          … the term for internet presence is actually ‘online’ – not ‘on-line’.  So your original question should read “It would be interesting to know where all the onliners staff come from…”.

  9. GPL

    Ladies & Gentlemen…. here we are on the start grid of the F1 Formula EasyOnline Property Race… and at the back of the grid we see Robert Ellice getting ready for the start… the race starts at 1pm as usual…. what’s that sign that Robert is holding up in his cockpit…. oh? … seems that Robert can only start the race sonewhere between July & September?…. that’s odd, so why is he parked on the grid!?

    Robert?….. here’s another toilet roll… remember to wipe after you’ve stopped speaking!




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