Another agency makes significant donation to Ukraine appeal

Arun Estates has made a substantial donation to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC)’s Ukraine Appeal, and is urging other estate agents to follow suit.

A £50,000 donation has been made by Arun through the Rooney Foundation, the charitable trust set up by the group’s chairman, Paul Rooney and his wife Clare.

Arun’s group managing director, Aldo Sotgiu, said, “The whole civilised world has been appalled by what is happening in Ukraine. Like everyone else, we have been moved by the terrible events there, and this is one way – perhaps the only way – we can help, helping to provide funds for much-needed humanitarian support for the brave Ukrainian people in their time of need.”

Aldo went further, calling on the industry as a whole to step up to the plate.

He added: “Granted, last year was a record-breaker for us here at Arun, but it was also a pretty good year for estate agency generally, so I believe it behoves us all to put our hands in our pockets and give as much as we can.”


Ukraine: How you can help


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