Where have the Rightmove Featured Properties gone?

EYE has been told that for several weeks, and in specific circumstances, there has been an issue with the non-display of Featured Properties on some Rightmove search results.

Normally a Featured Property (for which agents pay an additional fee) will appear in the search results at the top of each page of 25 properties or, when scrolling on a mobile, one will appear every 25 properties.

However, it is understood that on certain operating platforms, where search results are displayed as ‘Newest listed’, the Featured Properties do not appear as they should. They are in fact generally absent.

In particular the issue is said to occur on the iOS version of the Rightmove app.

This video illustrates the issue:

EYE has seen evidence that Rightmove was made aware of the issue as far back as the beginning of June and that, after initially denying there was a problem, they were eventually able to replicate it and begin addressing the problem.

We understand that it is not yet resolved.

Yesterday evening a Rightmove spokesperson told EYE:

“We’re aware of an agent having an issue seeing some featured properties on a version of our app, and our specialist team are investigating.

“We’ve checked the level of property detail views agents are getting for the Featured Property product across all platforms and cannot see any change in performance, and we’ll be continuing to work with this agent until we can fully resolve the issue for them.”

Our source told us:

“They have offered me no refund for the featured property product even though they have acknowledged the issue on the mobile app.

“They even want 30 days’ notice from me to cancel the product which is crazy as there should be no notice period due to the fault.

“They don’t know at this stage how long the featured property product has been faulty for.

“I pay them £1170 per month just for featured property for my 2 branches so they will owe myself thousands depending on how long the issue has been there.”

If agents are finding this issue with their Featured Property listings, please  let us know: news@propertyindustryeye.com






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  1. Bless You

    Property should be displayed as newest first anyway.

    Poor u.x.always having to select newest from the drop down.

    1. PeeBee

      “Property should be displayed as newest first anyway.”

      Why is that, Bless You?

  2. Property Pundit

    I pay them £1170 per month just for featured property for my 2 branches

    Why on earth would anybody do that?


  3. DASH94

    I hate Featured property – from an agent and consumer point of view.   What’s the point of having a ‘sort’ facility on there (which in the vast majority of cases is selected on price) and then you have all sorts of randoms that don’t fit the search criteria that you’ve selected and/or are duplicated in the actual search.

    It’s an annoyance and counter-productive in my view.


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