What is really happening in the UK property market?

Week 10 (week before last) was a record breaker for residential property sales – the best week for sales in the UK since the Liz Truss mini-budget of Sept ’22.

So not to be out done, Week 11 (Monday 13th March 2023 to Sunday 20th March 2023) was even better for sales when 23,601 properties were sold stc in the UK and the last two weeks are not a flash in the pan.

The average number of properties sold stc in the last eight weeks has been 22,579 per week. Sales that have been agreed upon in previous weeks… yet fallen through this week ‘Sale Fall Throughs’ (e.g. because of a poor survey or someone in the chain changing their mind) have also dropped ‘Sale Fall Throughs’ last week dropped from last weeks low figure of 5,050 to 4,915.

This represents a fall through rate this week of 19.16% (i.e. this week’s fall-throughs of 4,915 as a percentage of the 23,601 house sales). For comparison, the long-term seven-year weekly average is 24.26% (the higher the number, the worse it is).

This week’s special guest is Iain White as he joins Chris Watkin to look, analyse and comment on some exciting property stats, numbers and graphs which reflect the latest trends in the UK and Regional housing market.

In the last 15 minutes of the show, there is a focus on the Oxford property market, comparing market share and the effectiveness of all the Oxford agents.

What’s happening in the UK property market this week?



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