Virtual panel discussion to be held ahead of proposed new regulations

The government has proposed that from 2025 all newly rented residential properties will be required to have an EPC rating of C or above. Despite this deadline being three years away, buy-to-let landlords are being advised to act now due to the lack of skilled labour in the market, the increasing cost of materials and the increasing cost of borrowing.

Some lenders are incentivising landlords to make these refurbishments now by discounting borrowing rates for properties rated EPC C or above.

With refurbishments costing tens of thousands of pounds to improve ratings, this will come at a steep cost for landlords particularly those with a portfolio of multiple properties.

To help BTL landlords navigate this proposed legislation, Newable Finance brokerage is hosting an EPC panel discussion, which will take place on Wednesday 28th September at 11:00am. The panel will discuss how the government’s new proposed EPC rating legislations will affect the property market, and how the panel can help landlords.

Brian Love, head of regional broking, Newable Finance will be hosting the one-hour panel, live on Zoom. Panellists include:

  • Daniel Standing, regional development manager, Shawbrook Bank
  • Amanda Early, senior associate, Birketts LLP
  • Alec Chohan, senior finance broker, Newable Finance
  • Aaron Lewis, chief operating officer, CEC Energy
  • Richard Kirby, director & RICS register valuer, Anderson Wilde & Harris

Expect to discuss what the new legislation is and how it affects landlords, the impact on property sales for landlords, what steps landlords can take to refurbish their homes and what improvements are going to make the most impact. Finally, the panel will discuss why landlords should act now, and not wait until 2024.

The one-hour virtual panel is free to attend. Register here.



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