Two become one as eMoov buys sound-alike online agent

Online agent eMoov appears to have bought another online agent with the very similar name of eMoveuk

We discovered that clicking on brings up none other than eMoov.

There appeared to have been little love lost between the two, with eMoov at one time successfully complaining to the ASA about its similarly named rival.

In October last year, eMoov challenged whether the claims made by Online Property Moves trading as eMove UK about “over 10,000 homes sold”; “£42,750,000 saved in fees” and “20 days on average to sell”, were misleading and could be substantiated.

eMoveUK agreed to amend the claims.

At the time, an uncharacteristically tight-lipped Russell Quirk told us that he could not comment for legal reasons.

Some eight months later, though, perhaps acquiring it was the most straightforward way of putting an end to the confusion.

At any rate, two have become one.


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  1. PeeBee

    Well… there goes the excuse for at least three articles a year about the scrap between these two.

    Less chance for The Quirkster to gain a couple of column inches.

    This is the equivalent of a digital diet for an attention junkie.

    1. PeeBee

      GOOD MORNING, eMoov!

      So pleased to see you ‘Dislike’ my comment.

      It’s made my day a tad sunnier ;o)

      1. PeeBee

        Oh – you are so predictable.

        Come on – you can do better than one scrawny, inept ‘Dislike’.

        You know you want to… just you bash out your ire on that button like the demented Duracell bunny you are.

  2. Robert May

    Would it be fair to paraphrase Victor Kiam “The claims were so misleading I bought the company”?

  3. RealAgent

    It sounds to me like the business equivalent of my mother taking over the trestle table next to her at her local church bazaar.



    1. PeeBee

      Thank goodness for comments like this! ;o)

  4. Chri Wood

    “Purchase of trademark revealed after eMoov complains to advertising watchdog about eMove” – This is the same Mr Quirk who described the ASA as “a revolving door of administrative bull sh*t”.

  5. PeeBee

    ‘Two become one as eMoov buys sound-alike online agent’

    Sound-alike… look-alike… act-alike, from what we saw of them.

    1. Robert May

      Two becomes one! Ahhhhh the sort of slow dance that’d have the girls draped round your neck at a disco!

      1. PeeBee






  6. Frown Please

    Nothing like Quirk to bring EYE back together 😉


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