Software specialist Reapit launches ‘small business’ edition of software

A ‘small business’ edition of estate agency software Reapit has launched this week, in what appears to be the first battle lines in the market following Zoopla’s acquisition of the Property Software Group.

The new and adapted Reapit is available from re-seller JET, formed by Reapit itself.

For over two decades, Reapit has sold its estate agency software to some of the industry’s leading brands.

These brands tend to be large multi-office agencies which typically require a high level of service and customisation – in other words, agents requiring a bespoke product.

Reapit has now licensed a pre-configured version of the software that it says JET can use to support smaller agencies, who will reap the benefits of much faster set-up times and cost-effectiveness.

The small business version, which costs from £200 per month, is said to have exactly the same core benefits of the larger, powerful Reapit version.

JET ran trials with over 20 independent high street agents before launch.

Gary Barker, managing director of Reapit, said: “We took the view a few years ago that the wider market needed a solution as it was simply not being serviced adequately.

“We wanted to ensure however that we weren’t distracted in servicing our current client base and took the step of forming a re-seller  to entirely focus on this project and its market.”

Suzanna Mavity, head of sales for JET, said: “JET has been developed to fill a gap in the market and give smaller agencies the ability to take their business to the next level.”

Reapit sales director Simon Whale said that the response so far this week has been encouraging.

“I’ve been called to man the phones for the first time,” he said.


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  1. MissCharlotteP13

    I’d be interested to hear what Jet can do that other software providers can’t do for the smaller agent, or any agent for that matter?

    1. Robert May

      No other software provider has a Simon Whale, is that not enough for you?

      1. PeeBee

        Remembering that ‘Simon Whale’ is a Trademarked product that is obviously the ‘pull’ the product exerts!

    2. Tim Hall

      I contacted Reapit for a demo – they called and told me about Jet but advised me that it was more a front of house system and doesn’t have all the accountancy package, which is no good for my requirements.

      I got the impression from the person I spoke to that my agency wasn’t big enough for them and that I wouldn’t be able to afford it, but he did say he would get the rep. who dealt with the full version to contact me.

      That was on 14th February and still not heard anything further – I might just tell them where to put their system if they ever do get round to calling back.

      1. WillBrom7121

        I’ve heard this time and time again – maybe they might bring out ANOTHER product which is for those in the middle…

        I’m sure they’re flooded with enquiries currently as many of us rush to the “take their business to the next level” 😉

      2. Whaley

        Tim, that’s correct. Whilst Jet caters for front office lettings and property management it doesn’t have an accounts module.

        Our accounts module is only available through the Reapit service as its much more of a hands on service to ensure that all of our clients reconcile to the penny every day.

        We don’t set minimum criteria in terms of size of operation, as long as anyones prepared to pay the pricing structure.

        We haven’t ruled it out for the future in Jet but certainly not there now.  If you email me your details I’d be happy to ring.

      3. Tim Hall

        Now been contacted and Reapit demo booked.

  2. Whaley

    MissCharlotteP13 I think the key thing here is that we’ve always prided ourselves on RPS being the simplest yet most functional product in the marketplace. This whole project is in the face of the massive demand we’ve had over the years bringing this product to the market with a delivery mechanism that’s unique to estate agency software providers.

    RPS from Reapit has been recognised as the Supplier of the Year four times and is used by more of the leading agents than any other provider. That’s 20 years of inherited wisdom from our client base. We think its a pretty big deal but then i do concede i’m a trainspotter for this sort of thing…

    Be very happy to get one of our team to give you a ring or you can arrange a demo here

    Drop me a line on if you’d like to know more.

    1. MissCharlotteP13

      A lot of information about RPS from Reapit Simon, but what does Jet do that other suppliers can’t?

      Is it just a case “talking the talk, but not walking the walk”?

      1. Robert May

        It might be a case of what jet and Reapit doesn’t do that allows it to stand head and shoulders above some of it’s competition.

        Reapit have respect for their customers and understand the  importance of  proper client-supplier relationships.

        Who do you work for Charlotte or which supplier are you keen to protect or promote?

        1. Robert May

          as you were, I found this, enough said

          April 20, 2016 at 3:31 pm
          I’m pretty new to commenting (although it does keep me entertained), but I can’t help but point out that Expert Agent has tried to be sold a number of times, but to no avail. So agents may think EA is a good option, but it doesn’t mean they’re under guarantee.

          We’re sticking with PSG to see what will happen – certainly until we can see a more viable option.

          *Positive thinking*”

          1. MissCharlotteP13

            Nice spot Robert! Ah…VebraLive…the good old days 🙂

            1. Robert May

              I thought you were a Jupix user?  which means  you  do know about good software and really  nice trainers. Mark Bevan is with Reapit now and in my book he is one of the best trainers in the business, that alone answers your first question about USP’s

              I am assessing SAAS suppliers for part of my project,  Reapit, Dezrez and a few  others are on my  target list because of their genuine respect for agents as customers. Not every supplier has that respect and I place that as more important than tech, platform or functionality but above all  I place greatest store in the ability of trainers and support staff to get agents using services well. That is where people like Mark and Paul at Reapit really do score very highly indeed.

              1. Tim Hall

                Robert – you may have noticed my comment above?

                Based on the response I have had from Reapit so far, I cannot concur with your comment that they have genuine respect for agents as customers.

                It would be nice to be afforded the opportunity to be one of their customers, but I get the distinct impression I am considered neither rich enough nor important enough.


                1. Whaley

                  Tim, no that wasn’t me ringing. As I mentioned Jet’s a seperate company, could be one of the team ringing out. My email which I highlighted above is and let me know and we’ll ring.

              2. mbevan

                Thanks for your comments Robert

      2. Whaley

        MissCharlotte I never walk unless absolutely necessary, heard terrible stories about what exercise can do. Ultimately I’m a tad biased but the point I was making is that this is the same core product simplified that is used by over 20,000 of many of the worlds best agencies.

        Far easier for me to let the people who’ve used it themselves do the talking

        You’ve got people in there that have used all the ‘normal names’ from Expert Agent, to Dez Rez and Rezi through to Alto and EncoreLive.

        Our first client on there won two instructions within two days of using the software’s prospecting tools. There’s plenty of great suppliers around but i’d wager there’s not many that give you that level of ROI back in that time.

      3. PeeBee

        Remember how to deal with folk of this ‘more challenging’ type, Mr Whale –

        Inhale… count to ten… now exhale.

        Breathe, man – BREATHE!!


        1. Whaley

          Luckily PeeBee Whales come with blow holes….. ;D

          1. PeeBee

            OOOOOHHHH, Matron!

      4. SuzannaMavity

        In response to how there is a lot of information about RPS but what does JET do that other suppliers can’t – The point is here that JET supplies RPS which is why we are labouring the point about the quality of software.

        RPS has a retention rate of 99.3% and has 5 star reviews consistently, but has simply not been attainable for most smaller agencies – until now!

        JET offers RPS small business edition which can be brought and installed in under an hour if required.

        1. MissCharlotteP13

          Thank you Suzanna…starting to make sense.

          So it’s basically RPS, but less of it. Is that right?

          1. SuzannaMavity

            No problem, RPS has always been a platform which is customised based on a customer’s requirements.  If we take some of the industries leading brands they obviously want the software ‘their way’ to enable them to accommodate the number of users they have.

            RPS small business edition has all the core features and has been pre-configured to meet the requirements of a smaller agency who simply does not have the same needs as a multi-office network.

            So to answer directly your question – it is not ‘less of it’ it is just set up to meet the needs of the target audience.

          2. LomaxFairchild98

            It’s exactly the same product, but without bespoke customisations.

            1. WillBrom7121

              It’s RPS re branded to make the “smaller agent” feel important after so many years of being ignored by Reapit.

              In other words, it’s not new.

              1. Whaley

                I was thinking of something facetious to say, which i’ll concede is my norm but actually do you know I think you’re right.

                We have ignored the needs of that part of the market. Not out of a lack of awareness that its needed but because the one thing we do exceptionally well is focus. We simply couldn’t have too many spinning plates.

                Whilst others try to do everything and fail and we see this daily you know the companies yourselves, the need to reintroduce a package every 3 years into a stable of many systems isn’t a sign that you’ve cracked it. Quite the opposite.

                But what we didn’t want to do was get this wrong, things like online learning management systems needed to be sufficiently developed for us to be able to deliver the right light of online model that we felt would fit for this part of the market.

                The 50-100 leads we got each month that we sadly had to pass onto our erstwhile competitors, well that tap now turns off. All I can say is its a good job some of them attempt to be a portal so they’ve got other things to focus on.

                Ultimately the market will decide if this is a big deal or not. I look forwards to reporting and of course if it doesn’t will deny all knowledge of what we’ve been talking about. Much like a certain company did with ThinkProperty…..

                So hope that helps, now waits for WillBrom7122 to spawn from its purple overlord….

                ahhh and I said I wasn’t going to be facetious…

            2. Whaley

              You’re much more on the money there LomaxFairchild98. 

              So every client with Reapit to date has needed a dedicated project manager who’ll configure and bespoke the software. We’ve created a preconfigured version and the client then customises online themselves.

              But also that rather than the inclusive training  model that Reapit provides this will rather be done online as will account management.

              Its because of this that we’re able to markedly change the price point

              1. PeeWee

                So just to play devils advocate as the industry needs a good Whaling and Harpooning from time to time.  It is Reapit with all of the Reapit award winning qualities removed?  No project management, no bespoke hand holding and no training by the likes of the aforementioned trainers that have had a god like status bestowed upon them in previous comments?  That is a sizeable chunk of what made Reapit award winning by all accounts.

                So remove all the good bits from a business model, take less money and then do very little for it?

                Its all a bit Purple Bricks innit.

                In other news;

                Whales are very social creatures often travel in large pods or groups.
                In rare instances some pods or groups may unknowingly follow a sick or disoriented whale towards shallow waters and/or beaches where they can possibly get stuck in shallow water or end up beaching themselves.

                1. Whaley

                  I think that’s an excellent point, and of course is one that we laboured over long and hard before doing this.

                  The software is as we know Tried, Tested, Trusted. But was/is the white glove treatment behind it the secret sauce?

                  Our assessment of what works for us and indeed what had failed to work our competitors with larger agents was that level of hand holding, the extra bespoking and the ongoing heavy resource of training. I think its really key that you don’t try to pretend to be all things to all people. Apart from me personally because I can pull that off.

                  We’ve now got much better fits for the different ends of the market, if someone wants a heavy service based offering then you’ve got Reapit if they want lighter touch and are willing to invest time themselves then we have Jet all underpinned by the truly wonderful RPS software.

                  That’s the very reason we went at this at such a measured pace, and did a comprehensive pilot phase. No doubt at all we’ll still be learning but we feel confident we’ve got the right balance.

                  1. PeeWee

                    From what I have read and heard I don’t doubt the software is tried and tested and using the P(B)ricks* business model of templates and self service I don’t doubt you will pick up some business from those agents who are disenchanted enough.  Much the same as PB pick up disenchanted home owners.

                    When everyone paid to see Shamu perform they turned up to see a killer whale do tricks.  Now with Shamu out of the picture and refusing to perform all they got was the side show.

                    So I will sit back, relax and be amused to spot those agents, angry at the PB business model, failing to deliver, yet still snorting huge quantities of investment, turn to you and endorse a similar business model in order to save themselves a few quid.  Isn’t it ironic.

                    *P(B)ricks – The B is optional and/or silent



    2. Tim Hall

      Simon – was that you who called me about Jet?

      I’m still waiting to hear about a Reapit demo …..


      1. Tim Hall

        Rather disappointingly no one disliked this comment so I’ve had to do it myself.

  3. MissCharlotteP13

    Hey Robert! Unfortunately we don’t tend to invest in things based on them having a “Simon Whale”, doesn’t tend to be on our checklist.

    I don’t see how who I work for is important either…but happy to keep you guessing whatever route you feel you must go down.

    Simon, apologies, I am just intrigued. We actually use an in-house platform (in my opinion it’s very dated) so I like to keep an eye out for what’s out there. I’ve had so many phone calls from the “next best thing” I just wandered, as I am sure others would, what makes Jet unique? The testimonials mainly show those who use RPS and not the Jet platform.

    I thought Reapit offered a solution for smaller agents for a few years now, or was that my imagination? I presume Jet are a platform which allows the RPS to happen, so it’s just a re-seller? I guess this must be the magic of Jet, only share a little information and hope that intrigue does the rest 😉

    1. PeeBee

      “We actually use an in-house platform (in my opinion it’s very dated)…”

      Dated?  How’s it dated? – you’ve only had it since April last year at the very earliest, according to your quote above…

      1. MissCharlotteP13

        It may be a surprising to you PeeBee but I actually moved agency, which…shock horror – use different software!

        The world is a crazy place.

        1. PeeBee

          I hope it was a good move for you.

          (apparent software issues to one side, that is…)

    2. Whaley

      “Unfortunately we don’t tend to invest in things based on them having a “Simon Whale”, doesn’t tend to be on our checklist.”

      big big mistake. Companies that have implemented Simon Whale typically have a proven ROI of 767% within the first year. *

      * Not proven

    3. Robert May

      It doesn’t matter a jot  to  me Charlotte but  you posting pattern even prompted London Agent to get a whiff of sales pitch.

      Simon is an important bit of what agents are buying into, he cares passionately about his job, his firm and his customers. You track his work rate, travels and commitment and that is a sign he won’t let  his customer’s down if it can be avoided. He is no lazy executive lording it over his staff and customers, there is a genuine respect and love for Simon that has earned him both business and loyalty.

      There are very few service suppliers who have got the fortitude to post on a forum like this and I think it is pure genius that no-one has ever attempted to stop or restrict Simon from being Simon.

      1. WillBrom7121

        We get it, you like the Reapit team. A Lot!

        1. Robert May

          Yes I do, same as I like the Dezrez team a lot, who knows I might even like you. A lot!

          What I don’t like is the obvious sniping  that hasn’t got any substance, When Peebee has posted his disdain for Alto he has given reasons why he doesn’t like it, why it isn’t fit for purpose, why it doesn’t work. He isn’t bellyaching and whinging  without cause.

        2. PeeBee

          Strange that genuine respect for a company and its people that Robert knows and is well qualified to comment on attracts phony disrespect from one whose qualification to comment in such a way would be… what, exactly?

  4. LordElpus56

    So in a nutshell…

    It’s a pre-configured version of the package that’s been out for many, many years. In other words, it’s old tech.

    Also, it’s not cloud – so it’s old hat before it’s even launched.

    Good work, Reapit. Great work.

    1. Whaley

      And so the baton is passed ..

      Not sure where you got that impression that its been out for many, many years.

      RPS 1 to 10 was our old desktop package, in Foxpro.

      V12 was a completely new product launched in 2012 is .Net hosted on Rackspace.


      Unlike some providers we didn’t want to take the launch of a new product to go and upsell again so we kept the familiar RPS brand and indeed the feel and functionality that has meant so many of the best agents have made it their choice of software.


      But if you mean it works then yes I concede it does.


    1. Whaley

      Ha ha ha really ? We’re now at the stage where we can be critiqued for not having every agent in the world using our software.

      ****** hell I knew we held ourselves to high standards but thats going some.

      Lets move from your world of Alt Facts, Reapit have rolled our RPS across the entire Xperience network replacing Dez Rez in those 90 offices. And in a project that’s entailed replacing CFP, LetMC, VTUK and indeed another 11 lettings packages in doing so we’re doing something that has never been done before on this scale.

      What I think you’re highlighting is that one franchise has chosen to stay with its existing provider. I can’t find the ‘fireworks’ or ‘party popper’ emoticons but is that really worth shouting about?

      If so let me pop that purple balloon and point out that over half of our client base has upgraded from every single one of the PSG Zoopla brands, cue Tony Hart music: Jupix, Solex, GMW, GMW Orange, Premise, EstateCraft, Vebra Live, Encore Live, CFP and Alto.

      And by the way do so at an ever increasing rate.

      Here all day.  Next….


  5. Sukh

    Jet is a phenomenal bit of software. Yes it’s not as tailored as the reapit but CORRECT and FULL utilisation of Jet will help you drive your business forward and save you tons loads money!
    It’s super easy to learn, highlights additional business opportunities via its universal search tool (I know the Universal is tad excessive as far as descriptions go!) but honestly its frigin amazing.
    Before I ran with Jet (been using it for about 5/6 months now), I had couple of the other software providers give demos and in my view Jet was the clear winner hands down. Oh and the reporting tool are amazing too, and really allow you to view real time key stats.
    AND this is my giving back to the community bit (as long as you’re not local agent –sorry) please feel free to drop me an email if you have any questions on this beast in sheep’s clothing!
    PS why would what martin and co do or don’t do have any influence on what you do. surely one should carry out ones own personal research to be best placed to make an informed decision. I know hunters use real cube, and I KNOW FIRST HAND (having used it) that its a pile ****, yes its cheaper but nasty things tend to be cheap lol… and there’s nothing wrong with cheap and nasty, in fact some people make an amazing living from them AND the cheap and nasty must exist for us to know the good and great but digress …

    1. PeeBee

      Simon Whale… IS THAT YOU?


      1. SuzannaMavity

        It really isn’t!  Sukh was our first client to move over to JET, for his full testimonial see….

        1. PeeBee

          SuzannaMavity… I was messing!

      2. Whaley

        Couldn’t be me. That fella clearly knows about estate agency…..

  6. Sukh

    It really is post truth!

    hmmmm you can lead the horse to the water…..

    1. Whaley

      water…never go near the stuff….

      Cheers Sukh….I mean me…oh god its so confusing…..

  7. Sukh


  8. cowell14


  9. cowell14

    We recently moved our 2 offices over to JET and I can tell you I really think it is light years ahead of the competition!  The main Reapit offering of RPS offers a lot of customisation but to be frank we didn’t need that and the cost of JET was more suited to us.  I would not hesitate in recommending  Jet it is an outstanding product. Mike Cowell (Cowell Norford)



    1. SuzannaMavity

      Thanks for the feedback Mike, pleased to hear it.

  10. voiceofreason29

    Out of interest, does anyone know which browsers this is compatible with?


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