Seven agents expelled from the Property Ombudsman Scheme

The Property Ombudsman (TPO) has published its latest list of agents recently expelled from the scheme.

Seven agents, the majority of which are now in liquidation, have been excluded from TPO for failing to pay compensatory awards.

Whirlybird Property, a sales and lettings agent in Maidenhead, Berkshire, failed to pay an outstanding award of £4,042 in relation to a complaint from a landlord over the transfer of rent despite proof it had been paid by the tenant. Trading Standards has confirmed that Whirlybird Property is no longer trading and is going into liquidation.

In Guildford, Surrey, TPO found, following a compliant, that Deerstone Property had not provided a service consistent with best practice when marketing properties for sale and an award of £2,000 was made. Although this agent appears to no longer be trading, there is a connection to Deerstone Group Ltd which is still trading and who appears to have no redress.

In Knaphill, Surrey, TPO received 58 complaints against PrinvestUK Ltd, 45 of which were supported with awards totalling £215,330. PrinvestUK Ltd is currently being liquidated and The Insolvency Service is carrying out an investigation.

Chaplin Bond Business Sales Specialists, a commercial sales agent in Bolton, Manchester, has been punished after sellers complained that the agent had not marketed the property properly and ceased trading without telling them. TPO made an award of £1,500. There is no evidence to suggest Chaplin Bond Business Sales Specialists are still trading and its website is inactive.

A complaint against Experience Invest, a sales, lettings and commercial agent in Victoria, London, from a landlord over non-payment of assured rent, was supported with an award of £2,000. Experience Invest has placed a note on its website stating they have closed the company and ceased trading.

The Buy2Let Shop, a residential buying agent in Bromley, Kent, has been named after an award of £4,600 remains outstanding following a complaint relating to the purchase of an off-plan property. The Buy2Let Shop, which is no longer trading and in administration, has a connection to E Property Sales Ltd, sharing the same Director.

E Property Sales Ltd, also a residential buying agent in Bromley, Kent, has been excluded for non-payment of a £5,900 award in a supported case where the buyer was seeking reimbursement of fees paid after the sellers withdrew. Despite liquidation on Companies House, E Property Sales Ltd appears to have an active website.

All agents failed to pay awards made and were referred to the scheme’s independent Compliance Committee, which ruled that they should be excluded from The Property Ombudsman scheme. However, it’s important to reference that overall, 98% of Ombudsman awards are complied with and these cases present a small minority that failed to do so.

As part of TPO’s process, notification of these expulsions have been shared with all relevant bodies, including both Local and National Trading Standards for further investigation.


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  1. PossessionFriendUK39

    They will just get family members or mates to instantly and easily form another company,  and carry on where they left off.

    Ombudsman’s  are as much use as a chocolate fire-guard.  !

  2. PeeBee

    Seven stable doors pushed quietly shut while the horses are lying on beaches sipping sangria and laughing their fetlocks off.

    1. PossessionFriendUK39

      Yes PeeBee,   same old, same old  –  as I said about the ‘ Regulator ‘ [sic]

      Meanwhile, back at the ranch,  the whole PRS  continues to get a kicking and thrown under the bus.

  3. PeeBee

    According to the above,

    “Trading Standards has confirmed that Whirlybird Property is no longer trading and is going into liquidation.”

    Erm… that’s a ‘maybe’… for me, it’s an “I sincerely hope so…” – but it’s also a ‘maybe not’.

    The company is still listed as “Active” at Companies House.  No mention of an ongoing strike-off order.

    They were ‘Gazetted’ in March, but that strike-off order was discontinued.  Only yesterday a “Change of accounting reference date” form was submitted electronically to Companies House – their latest accounts now due for submission by 21 September.

    Of course, it could be the liquidators who have filed this.  But until the rotund female doth break out into song, it ain’t a done deal.

    No doubt it will come, though – the sole director listed has been involved in more things being dissolved than dipping in hydrochloric acid…

    1. PeeBee

      “PrinvestUK Ltd is currently being liquidated and The Insolvency Service is carrying out an investigation.”
      The Administrators were called in at PrinvestUK Ltd eleven months ago.  Somebody please explain to me what earthly good shooting an already dead horse and buried does – especially with a toy gun loaded with marshmallows?

      1. PossessionFriendUK39

        @PeeBee   –  Luv it  😉   I wrote to my MP  about the Clarion Housing debacle in Croydon that was on ITV.

        Response from Pincher at MHCLG,  Clarion were being dealt with by Social Housing Regulator  –   they  haven’t even got a Toy gun  !

        Regulator [sic] will down-grade Clarion from a A Minus to a B Plus for a year whilst they follow an ‘ Action Plan ‘   Its what the Social Housing regulator does with all the Associations who get caught with 500 and 1000  Out of date  gas safety certificates   (  and don’t even need  EICR  !   )


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