It is with considerable sadness and regret that today we are announcing that Ros Renshaw has stepped down as Editor of Property Industry Eye.
The injury she suffered in the accident last March is proving very difficult to treat and though Ros is facing her situation with characteristic stoicism and remarkably good humour, we have had to acknowledge that her ability to work effectively is likely to be impaired for quite some time to come.
As the founding editor of EYE Ros has been key to the growth and success of the publication in the last six years.
Without her we would never have started and we certainly would not have so quickly attained our extensive and loyal readership.
Ros’s understanding and knowledge of estate agency and the workings of the residential property market, coupled with outstanding journalistic ability, puts her at the pinnacle of the industry’s news reporting.
She is blessed with an inasatiable curiosity and an elephantine memory; traits that are so vital to first class news journalism.
Given that she never seems to sleep, never took a holiday and, until now, never seemed to get sick, Ros has been an extraordinarily effective editor and all of us stand in awe of her boundless capacity to find the stories and write them so well, day after day.
To date we have published 13,000 stories on EYE and Ros has been responsible for upwards of 80% of them.
It is an amazing output for one person and we know that she is held in great affection by her readers and hugely respected by her peers.
Over the six years Ros has scooped our friendly rivals countless times; found the real stories behind the PR puffery; stood firm against some deeply unpleasant bullies who didn’t like seeing the truth in print; and given us many a laugh with her legendary April 1st foolery.
In short, Ros is a unique talent and, if she will excuse the cliche, her very big boots are going to be a challenge to fill.
I shall continue as acting-editor and your Eye correspondent for the time being while the process of finding a new editor is under way.
I’m sure readers will want to join me in sincerely thanking Ros for her outstanding contribution to EYE and also gratefully acknowledge the support she has been given in the editor role by her husband, Andrew.
All of us at EYE sincerely hope that both of them will soon enjoy full health again and that Ros will return as a contributor to our pages before too long.
Ros has sent this message to our readers:
Today marks a small change for EYE, as I am officially stepping down as editor.
Although my name has been showing in that role, the reality is that for almost three months I have neither edited the daily newsletter nor even been able to contribute to it since I took a tumble a few yards from my front door.
Unfortunately it turned out to be quite a fall, shattering a shoulder and with the complication of nerve damage which has worsened since the accident.
Nearly three months later, despite a new shoulder courtesy of the NHS, I have very little use of my arm and have ongoing pain, needing investigation and further treatment. Recovery is going to be a long-term project.
I also have other major priorities – especially my husband Andrew, always such a help behind the scenes in terms of producing EYE’s editorial, but who has been contending with aggressive prostate cancer.
The decision to stand back from EYE has not been difficult in that really it has been made for me.
Nick, our managing director, has of course taken over editing duties and stepped up to the plate admirably.
The journalist in me envies him: this is such a compelling industry, awash with personalities and big issues, and full of stories that are, right up until they happen, unforeseeable.
I am not the retiring sort, so hopefully this is not so much a goodbye, but more of an adieu while I concentrate my efforts elsewhere.
I would like to thank the EYE community for your support for the newsletter, which I helped co-found just over six years ago, and particularly over the last weeks for some very kind personal messages.
I can only repay you by wishing you, your families and colleagues all the very best.
At time of Ros’s accident in March, just as we entered lockdown, many people asked if they could send messages etc to Ros and Andrew at their home.
At the time his was discouraged in view of the infection risk.
Now that the risk has diminished, please feel free to contact Ros at Talbothays Farm, Winchfield, Hook, Hants RG27 8BZ
How very sad, you will be missed immensely. However health and well-being should always come first.
I hope you and your husband feel 100% soon.
Eye will not be the same without you.
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says it all……. best wishes Ros.
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I read many many news sources and I can truthfully say that I looked forward to reading propertyindustryeye because it was astute and well-organised. My best wishes to Ros and her husband.
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Ros you are a great and formidable journalist, one who cannot be bamboozled or cajoled by PR speak. Get well and rejoin the fray if you can. Respect!
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Ros – what a total professional you are!
THANKS for all your hard work over the years.
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Wishing you both success in your recoverIes and thanking you for your contribution to our profession.
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You have done more for good in this industry than many will ever know or give you credit for.
For all you have done, on behalf of everyone who has been helped by it, thank you!
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What a truly awful year for you both Ros. I can’t wait until you’re back to full health, it won’t be the same without you!
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Oh that’s really sad news to kick the week off.
I’m not really sure why but I felt the need, I’m certainly not the superstitious type but I was thinking about her back in March so just dropped her an email non work related to see how she was and Andrew dropped me a line back just confirming she’d just had the fall and was in hospital. Clearly not the time anyone would wish to be going to hospital , if there ever is a time, but true to form she’s battled back from such a serious injury.
Her style was very readable, right to the point, never waffly, but always with a great sense of humour.
As is mentioned above her contacts were legendary, I like to think i’m tuned into the industries jungle drums for news better than most, but Ros’s network made me look like Johnny English to her James Bond. She scooped the Reapit being sold story months before completion and to this day I still don’t know how.
The irony is she’s said farewell to many people on PIE who’ve left the industry or job roles for a variety of reasons, and now she’s seen her own departure which sad as it is is how it should be for the doyenne of the scoop in this industry. No one else was going to beat her to this one! Many of those departures were titled ‘legends’, some struggled to live up to that title but that’s not the case with Ros, THE journalistic legend of these times within our little world.
It goes without saying that the often used ‘health over wealth’ applies here and I and i’m sure every other person here just wishes her and Andrew the best recoveries and whatever good health they can get.
I feel down about this but I will always remember a fantastic ‘working’ lunch at Bentley’s when I thought I had done my job in protecting my secrets when Ros got wonderfully squiffy over a few bottles we shared and then to my horror proceeded to remember every single word we discussed over the proceeding days.
Hard but fair, and talented beyond compare. Ros i’ll raise a glass to you the minute i’m allowed back in any sort of restaurant of pub!
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Spot on!
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Absolutely Simon. I had exactly the same experience and whilst initially fearful of her direct approach she wrote well, with honesty and in the interest of estate agency. I am sure we will have the benefit of reading more from her given time for as she says she’s not the retiring sort!
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A titan of property journalism and, whilst Ros will somehow be replaced as editor, irreplaceable.
I sincerely hope that her insight graces these pages again in the future. The industry will be poorer otherwise.
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Ros IS Property Industry Eye and to replace her as editor is going to be a very tall order. Her knowledge of agency and her contact book are big assets and I suspect Ros has a book’s worth of experiences and anecdotes that I sincerely hope sees the light of day at some point.
Ros, you’re an incredible journalist and will be missed, until you’re back in some form or another.
Lifetime achievement award, surely.
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Absolutely Josh, lifetime achievement award and then some, I’m sure.
Ros, from a personal perspective you’ve been amazing with me, hugely supportive from when we first met fifteen years ago and ever since, whenever we’ve caught up. From a professional standpoint, you’re a legend and the journalist I can only aspire to be.
Sending you and your husband every good wish for your respective recoveries x
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So sorry to hear this about Ros.
She’s an incredible journalist and researcher and she’s not scared of tackling difficult stories. She has been a huge inspiration and support to me personally.
Ros – if you are reading this, I send love and compassionate thoughts to you and Andrew that you both regain your health. We will miss you and we will celebrate your return to health and EYE, hopefully in the not too distant future. x
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Sad news to start the week but health must come first and my best wishes to both you and Andrew.
You’ve made an incredible contribution to the industry over the years and will be sorely missed by very many. Most mornings your words are the first I read as I start my day and it just won’t be the same without you. Thank you for everything.
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Tough news to hear, about a tough lady.
Like Whaley, I remember a fun liquid lunch we had just after HIPs went at Aldwych. Enough said
Despite being involved in the conveyancing side of the industry I worked with Ros on many occasions, and at some unusual times of the night and day. Ros was always there, and helped get the article out in a finished format. Thanks Ros.
I hope the current difficult times improve for Ros and Andrew asap. Love and best wishes. X
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Best wishes for the future Ros, sincere thanks for the past. You have been the most trusted source of property news.
Thinking of your personal challenges puts property news in perspective, I hope we readers can all pause to up the value we place on good health, family and fellowship.
Maybe we agents could use this as a turning point to work together as a profession, putting fellowship ahead of infighting so we can take control of payments to property portals.
Best wishes to you Ros.
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Very sad to hear that your recovery hasn’t been as speedy as anticipated…your work will be greatly missed, and I wish you all the very best for the future.
PIE is (for me at least!) always the first port of call for news relating to our industry, and continues to be a powerful addition to our collective ‘armoury’ of knowledge.
Best wishes!
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All the very best Ros and thank you for bringing a smile to my face on so many occasions with your outstanding ability to see things from every angle and bring it to us the reader in the least obvious way. You will be missed.
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Genuinely sad to hear – Ros, you’ve been tenaciously shining light into dark corners of this industry for so long and your incredible daily output will be sadly missed.
All the best to you and Andrew and hope to be seeing your writing again soon. Take care.
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Meaning no disrespect for EYE ,irreplaceable ,sadly missed. A benevolent headmistress listened carefully., managing admirably to tread a fine line giving naughty school children some leash on this site ,bringing them back into line with a gentle tap on their heads should they prove too troublesomee
Wishing Ros and her husband all the very best
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Very best wishes to Ros & Andrew, for a quick return to full health. Thank you for all the insight and education!
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There are no words – other than
Thank you, Ros. An entire industry owes you.
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Very good luck to you Mrs Editor.
You’re having a bad run but things will get better.
Hope to see you return stronger.
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Under Ros, Eye has always had excellent editorial content from the light hearted to thought provoking and a great insight into our sometimes questionable industry and my first email read of the day.
Very best wishes to Ros and Andrew and keep battling those issues
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Very sad, but of course entirely understandable…wishing you good progress in your recovery.
Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication, we as an industry have been fortunate to have such an excellent journalist covering (and uncovering) it’s key stories.
All the Best.
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Hi Ros. You will be very much missed for your no nonsense approach to the industry and your many years of experience. Thanks for all the information you have provided over the years and I am sure you will be up and running on all cylinders soon and enjoying relaxing “retirement”! We look forward to continuing to read PIE for a long time yet!
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The industry has lost a true legend. Speedy recovery my friend.
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To Ros
You & Your Husband are understandably THE priority and I send you both best wishes on a healthy recovery & happy future.
As part of your “Other” (PIE) Family …. Thank You for providing the platform, debating chamber & voice for Our Industry. PIE has been my only destination and that will continue. Pop-in when you’re passing Ros
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Very sad, but understandable news to start the week. All the comments sum up just how popular and well respected a journalist you are Ros – you will be sorely missed. I wish both you and your husband Andrew speedy recoveries.
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Very sad to hear & my best wishes go to Ros & her husband for a full return to good health as soon as possible.
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Sending you and Andrew love and all best wishes. You have had a wonderful career and have made many friends in the property profession. Wishing you both speedy recoveries.
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A my era well trained local newspaper and Times journalist I related to all she wrote – her knowledge disciplined timing, and tidiness were unsurpassable. In the early 90’s I loved the banter in the interests of EA engaging Trevor Kent. Ro, I feel has been quite conservative about her past but the reason why she earned the title of “The Voice of Estate Agency” and a Lifetime Award is experience and she’s attained an unbelievable amount. I first met her in early 90’s on a conference stand promoting the Negotiator but I found her so interesting to talk to and outside work it was the garden. When it came to my turn to be in her spotlight I must say I initially feared her directness but she soon understood the reasons behind my thinking and found her respect was translated in to meaningful editorial. Ros was and still is in my mind a fantastic credit to EA, her hard work has been supported by her husband Andrew, who is part of her story – I personally wish her and Andrew a recovery in their health to enjoy many more years of what they love doing together.
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Dear Ros, thank you for your help and guidance in our very early days. Not many people returned those early emails but you did! We are all very grateful and wish you the best of health as life goes on.
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Sad news, I won’t echo what has already been said so well by many others. Wishing Ros a speedy recovery and happier times ahead. What a lady
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I have so much respect for you and it is heartbreaking to hear you have had a tough run.
You are one amazing editor and the property industry owns you a huge thank you.
You are so highly respected and that will never change.
Wishing you my best wishes and a speedy recovery!
You are a delight to speak too and wishing you and Andrew the very best.
Best Wishes
Michael Antonio
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Ros, I’m so sorry to hear this and wish you both a full recovery – what a terribly difficult time for you. I’ve always found you so welcoming and encouraging ever since I first submitted my first press release to you almost 15 years ago. Those content numbers quoted above are absolutely staggering – congratulations on a brilliant career. All the best, Emmeline x
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Get well soon Ros
Thank you for always getting back to me when I emailed you and thank you for your contribution to our industry over the years.
Good luck with your recovery and all the best for the future to you both.
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Get well soon Ros! Best wishes
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All the best – hope you start to feel better soon.
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You’ve made PIE the true voice of the industry Ros, you only have to look at the volume of posts compared to all the others ranging from outrageous through thought provoking to laugh at loud funny, all thanks to your ability to poke us with your journalistic stick.
Thanks from all of us but I have a sneaking suspicion that sometime in the future you’ll be back swinging your rounders bat at the nearest property wasps nest!
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PERFECT sum-up, El Burro!
I sincerely hope you’re right with the last sentence. EYE without Frau Renshaw is like sex without the frozen chicken.
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A great loss-and difficult to replace-but I also just want to wish Nick all the best in his search for the next Eye Supremo
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So sorry to hear that news about Ros.
I shall miss our chats
Ros is definitely irreplaceable – an impossible act to follow
Hope she makes a full recovery so we can enjoy her words in one form or another very soon
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