OnTheMarket releases new monthly buyer and seller sentiment index

OnTheMarket (OTM) has announced this morning the release of its OnTheMarket Property Sentiment Index.

The new report focuses on buyer and seller confidence and mover attitudes towards mortgage borrowing which are captured via survey questions on the website, rather than only reporting on proprietary data, although average asking prices and time to SSTC metrics have been included.

The sentiment insights contained in the index have been determined from consumer responses, with an average response rate of 120,000 per month over the last three months.

Jason Tebb, chief executive officer of OTM, commented: “I’m delighted today to be releasing the inaugural official data series from OnTheMarket. Featuring our consumer survey which provides both highly relevant and unique insights into consumer confidence around residential property on both a UK wide and regional basis, we believe this to be the largest monthly consumer sentiment index to date in terms of buying and selling residential property in the UK.”

Jason Tebb

He continued: “The reason for our focus on consumer confidence is due to the old but very true adage that ‘sentiment fuels markets’. In the world of residential property, data will only ever provide half the picture. In my two decades as an estate agent previous to taking my current role with OnTheMarket, I’ve personally been involved in thousands of property transactions.

“When showing prospective buyers around a property, my question was never ‘what do you think of the property?’. Instead, I would ask, ‘how do you feel about the property?’. That distinct difference between the empirical and the emotional is at the core of what we aim to provide as we launch this monthly index. There are of course other very well-respected house price indices already in circulation, however, we wanted to do something a little bit different in order to own our own lane.”

The July issue of the Property Sentiment Index, which will be released monthly going forwards, also includes regional commentary from Glentree International, Knight Frank, Dawsons, and Galbraith.

OTM anticipates that other agents from around the regions will be included in future issues.

Tebb added: “We’re able to create a report like this in part due to our scale, particularly when it comes to capturing consumer sentiment. Data and intelligence is one of the ‘four pillars’ of our strategy for growth and we will be utilising the insights we’ve captured alongside the feedback we receive from our on-going dialogue with agents to continue to develop our unique offer.”

The launch of the OnTheMarket Property Sentiment Index will also inform the development of the refreshed OTM brand, advertising creative and website which will be launched in the next few months.


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  1. Chanel298

    If anyone needed more proof that Jason is turning things around… Here it is.

  2. Nancy

    Smart move, well done Jason.


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