No slam dunk – Rightmove launches new TV ad

Rightmove is launching a new advert today that it estimates will reach more than 50 million people over the next few weeks.

The integrated creative campaign kicks off its new brand communications designed to capture the attention of would-be movers as we head into the Autumn home-moving season.

The evolution of its brand communications aims to help agents by highlighting to people that by using Rightmove’s tools and services, and by turning to agents for expertise throughout their home-moving journey, they can believe that they can make their move happen.

Kicking it off is an integrated campaign, including a brand-new TV ad that will air across high reach, prime-time TV spots. It will premiere tonight on Channel 4’s Gogglebox.

The ad will appear during other key TV programmes throughout September and October across Channel 4, Sky and ITV, designed to reach a large and varied potential home-moving audience. This will include The Great British Bake Off and Rugby World Cup games.

The campaign will also feature outdoor media, alongside video-on-demand and social media activity, directing audiences across all platforms to explore agents’ listings on Rightmove.

Matt Bushby, chief marketing officer at Rightmove, commented: “Our vision is to give everyone the belief that they can make their move. This new direction comes from insight that not all moves are linear, something that agents will be very familiar with.

“Many people have different challenges to overcome in their search for a home, and we want more people to know that with the help of agents and Rightmove they can maintain the belief that their move can happen. We also want to help prompt more people to take those first steps towards making it a reality.

“Our new creative campaign comes at a key time for agents after the summer holidays and before Christmas, and we aim to help by directing more people to their properties on Rightmove.”



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  1. DHJ

    Slam Dunk is dreadful. The backstory is disgusting and you should be embarrassed and ashamed. Came across more like an advert for trainers, felt way to American and not to mention woke. Whoever signed this off? Just another disappointing advert, amongst many on TV. Who will remember this? No one. On the other hand the yoga image is spot on!

    1. jan-byers

      You are all paying for it though

    2. Alexander Broadfoot

      “Thanks, Colin… love to the family”

      1. jan-byers

        But any agent on RM is paying for it – no?

  2. dave_d

    What did I just watch

    1. AcornsRNuts

      An advert for the American market.

  3. Hit Man

    Desperate times for Rightmove with many agents leaving, properties not selling and Rightmove agency fee increases year on year It leaves many wondering why RM actually exist.

    1. AcornsRNuts

      Three things are certain in life:
      Annual increases by Rightmove

    2. jan-byers

      Sadly they are the market leader
      They are where buyer go to almost by default
      Agents in a geographical area just all need to agree that they will drop RM
      Has been spoken about but will never happen – in most areas agents do not seem to talk to each other the way they use to
      In my day the town I was in were being charged a £1,000 a page for the local paper
      We all agreed to come out at the same time
      We told the paper that if they wanted us back in they would need to meet with us as a group
      We very soon were paying £250 a page

      1. Hit Man

        Market leader in what?? …… buyer’s look everywhere and if its not on RM then they still sell, if your worried that buyers will not find your properties elsewhere then you are a slave to RM.

        Maybe Agents should get together but unfortunately will not collectively drop RM, its up to the better agents to move away from the stereotype estate agent and move in to the modern day agent.

        The leading agents in our area DO NOT use Rightmove. So really drives a horse and cart through your thinking.

  4. Gangsta Agent

    you lot are like an old record, RM this RM that, if you want to use them, use them and if you don’t, then don’t.


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