Knight Frank’s residential division has unveiled its new property portal ‘My Knight Frank’ in its complete form.
This latest phase in its development sees the tenant and landlord functions go live and is now available to all the firm’s customers and clients, a business which has grown to have 260 people and a rent roll of over half a billion pounds per annum.
The newly launched lettings functionality sits alongside Knight Frank’s buyer and vendor portals which have been in operation since February 2024.
Tim Hyatt, head of residential at Knight Frank said: “After two years of development today sees the last piece of the ‘My Knight Frank’ puzzle fall into place; the fully automated digital portal is live and being used by hundreds of clients on a daily basis. The functionality is such that landlords, vendors, tenants, and buyers are now all able to benefit from its capabilities, a large part of which is removing the burden of admin. The feedback from clients so far has been extremely positive.
“Since the inception of our CX programme in 2016, Knight Frank has built a multi award winning customer experience offering and is now rated ‘Excellent’ from over 4,500 reviews on Trustpilot. However, we are constantly looking at new and novel ways to improve the experience our clients have with us, ‘My Knight Frank’ takes this onto the next level.
“The human and personalised side of each property transaction remains fundamental to our offering and will never change; yet our teams are now backed by the very best systems and technology. For me this is the best possible combination, ensuring both our clients and people have the tools to succeed.”
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