Your Move adds voice to swelling opposition on ‘anti-landlord’ policies

Rents are on the rise for the first time since September, Your Move reported this morning.

Its index looks into all rents, not just those newly agreed.

The firm that that in February average monthly rents were £790 across England and Wales – 3.3% up on a year ago, or an extra £35 per month.

The normally mild-mannered Your Move said in unusually strong wording that the rise came “as anti-landlord policies” loomed. Taxes were clarified in Wednesday’s Budget.

Today Your move warned: “If government attacks on landlords bite – having worsened again in this week’s Budget – the flow of investment from landlords could wilt.”

Director Adrian Gill hailed landlords as the “heroes of the buy-to-let industry, not the villains”.

He said it was “hard to understand the logic behind restricting the flow of new investment and the competition between existing landlords.

“By attacking buy-to-let, the Government will only serve to push up market rents more quickly, stymieing the efforts of many tenants to raise a deposit to buy a home.”


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  1. Will

    But Government is so arrogant how could their policies be wrong???????

  2. jad

    Makes me feel guilty for voting for them 🙁  I thought this Governments behaviour was always called ‘Biting the hand that feeds you’


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