More than 600 agents registered for today’s live webinar discussion

Rightmove’s David Cox will join Fixflo’s MD Rajeev Nayyar in a live webinar discussion today and it is going to be all about government policy affecting the PRS.

W-2021-2 PRS Policy Chat_speakers_v2

More than 600 agents have already signed up and Fixflo are still accepting registrations.

The in-depth debate between Cox and Nayyar about the government’s policy direction will reflect on the fact that in just a matter of months, the government has announced waves of short and long term policies affecting the private rented sector; what’s coming next for agents and landlords?

From 11am today, agents are invited to tune in and catch the pair sharing their views about key policy items, including the latest on possession proceedings, electrical safety and climate change policies, RoPA, and several other significant policy items in the Hansard records. Agents can also join in and pose questions to Cox and Nayyar through a moderated Q&A session

Agents can sign up to the webinar for free here.

Participants can submit questions in advance at

If agents are unable to tune in for the live broadcast, they will be sent the full recording to watch on-demand by signing up.


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  1. NewsBoy

    Someone needs to ask Mr Cox why he left ARLA under such a cloud and in such a hurry. Could his exit have been for same reasons as all the other rodents leaving the sinking Propertymark ship?

    1. jan - byers

      No one cares about arla


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