LAUNCHED! Video communication comes to EYE

From social media to commenting on stories, there are plenty of ways to interact with EYE – and now we are bringing you something new to use.

Readers can now submit their own short videos to EYE.

Keep them under 90 seconds and you’ll soon be grabbing people’s attention.

We are keen to see what you have to say on:

  • The latest industry news
  • Hot topics – portals, onliners, tenant fees etc
  • How you are running your businesses
  • Questions for your industry peers
  • What your teams have been up to
  • Odd things you’ve seen on your viewings/valuations


We’ve teamed up with VOX to give you a quick and easy way to create and upload video content to EYE via your mobile or webcam.

You can film and upload a video direct from a desktop computer

Or to be able to quickly upload when you are on the move, download our handy app



(You can also find the app on itunes and playstore by searching for ‘propertyindustryeye’)

Published videos will appear on our dedicated video section, on social media, and in stories where applicable.

By the way – the videos are checked before publication. Just in case…

We are looking forward to seeing from you!


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