Government calls on landlords to help house Afghan families

Private landlords are being urged to offer homes for families evacuated from Afghanistan to help get them settled in the UK.

The government is calling on landlords with suitable properties to submit offers through a relaunched housing portal.

The portal allows landlords to put forward offers of accommodation so councils can match them to families.

The government says more offers are urgently needed to help move families from temporary bridging accommodation and into their own homes – so they have the stability they need to rebuild their lives in the UK.

Landlords will be supporting the more than 300 councils who have already pledged places. This is backed by £5 million in government funding.

Homes have so far been provided to more than 4,000 evacuees.

Minister for Afghan resettlement Victoria Atkins said: “I’ve seen first-hand the incredible support available and am so proud of the way communities across the country have thrown their arms around these families, many of whom put themselves at risk to help the UK and our allies in Afghanistan.

“We know these families need a place of their own so they can truly build a life in the UK, but we recognise that finding settled accommodation for so many people is a challenge.

“That is why today I am urging landlords to join our efforts and come forward with offers of housing so we can help these people settle and thrive.

“Ensuring people have a home to call their own is a vital part of our programme of support to help those who worked closely with UK forces in Afghanistan, risking their lives in the process, so that they are able to begin rebuilding their lives here.”



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  1. jeremy1960

    Is this the same government that spends all its time knocking private landlords and trying to destroy the PRS? Hmmmmm…

  2. LongInTheTooth75

    You beat me to it!!

  3. Russell121

    Offered more in rent to house refugees than Britons – scandalous.

  4. Will2

    I really feel sorry for the Afghan people, they come here legally from an appalling situation rather than scam their way in on rubber boats. The Government are asking landlords, the people thay have been attacking for years now to help. They ask them to take below market rents with the added complication of dealing with other inefficient government departments who are clearly anti landlord. They ask them to positively discriminate whilst you will have Shelter with their politically charged lawyers funded and ready to pounce on anyone who sniffs of discrimination, ositive or not. Would you trust either?  If you insist on keep biting the hands (landlord bashing) of those who might be able to help don’t be surprised when they do not respond favourabley. The Government and so called housing charties (that house no one) start to be kinder to landlords as a whole.

  5. MickRoberts

    Well said Jeremy & Will, u say it all. My notes on this:

    I’d love to take these people.However I’ve took many homeless from the Council (mainly Nottingham Council), then few years later, the Council withdraw the support, treat us like **** & then impose conditions that we’d struggle to comply with because it’s a condition against the certain type of tenant that the Council gave u in the first place. I’ve spent money on the house for the actual tenant who is wrecking the house cause the Council Support worker is there & saying I am here now Mick, I am not leaving your two’s side. 2 months later, no more Council Support worker. House gets wrecked again. Council introduce Licensing, say I’m now responsible cause that tenant hasn’t cut the grass. The same tenant they gave us 3 years ago WHO THEY KNEW wun’t cut the grass.It’s a shame we can’t help any more cause the Council have no joined up thinking & too many turnover of staff to another dept. New staff has no passion or morals or understanding of how renting houses works.

  6. AcornsRNuts

    In the amended words of John McEnroe, “They cannot be serious”!


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