Director of new agency takes brutal swipe at unprofessional UK estate agents

Damion Merry
Damion Merry

Estate agents in the UK are generally not properly qualified to provide the best possible service to buyers and sellers in this country. That is according to Damion Merry, the director of a newly launched estate agency in prime central London.

Merry, a former branch Oxford Fine and Country partner agent, argues that UK estate agents lack the professionalism needed to be taken seriously, and believes that  the industry requires a major shake-up.

The American way of doing things is rarely the same as the UK’s and the way property is bought and sold is no exception. But Merry, who says he has “global ambitions” as an estate agent, believes UK agents could learn a thing or two from real estate professionals in the US.

Merry, who has worked as an estate agent for less than four years, is now a director at Luxury Property Partners in Mayfair, which officially launched over the weekend.

He said: “Estate agents are not considered true professionals as they are in the US. The standards in the UK are simply not good enough from a marketing perspective, a negotiation perspective and a training perspective. The clients deserve more.”

Merry says that the creation of Luxury Property Partners will help when it comes to “educating and training agents to the highest of standards” and “really focusing their personal brand”.

He says agents adopting Luxury Property Partners would be offered marketing support “like no other” company, including, in his view, “world class video productions” to help promote properties.

Merry has shared with the press this video promoting a family home on the Thames that his firm has been instructed to sell, to offer agents and consumers an idea of what they are missing out on by not adopting what he describes as Luxury Property Partners’ “new American style” estate agency. Enjoy!



“Is this the best property video ever filmed in the UK?”


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  1. PropertyDC

    Personally, I feel Damion had set a high standard with his videos in the past.
    But this isn’t anything new to what he did at F&C.
    Wish you all the best.

    1. A W

      Set a high standard“?! I mean,if you think spending hundreds of thousands on a advertisement video for 1 property is setting a high standard then sure…

      Remind me again why this chap has the audacity to comment on the “industry” when he doesn’t have any qualifications himself and a mere 4 years of experience? Coming from a background of building gazebos, does he really think his opinion is worth anything?

      1. Malcolm Egerton

        Agreed. I watched the video last time there was a puff piece: the property was really poorly presented, with weeds and poor finish everywhere. A massive barn of a new build that will need hundreds of thousands spending on it to bring it up to scratch. It was marketed prematurely by any professional standards (even US ones).

        Longlands House certainly has everything – except a garden and a pool and a tennis court. Converted back from office use? Astonished that the listed buildings bods allowed a lot of that work.

  2. Blackcountrygirl.

    Another look at me post, when are we going to stop giving these agents who are full of their own self importance air time? Been an agent for less than 4 years and claims to know the whole of the UK industry….just wow.


  3. Simon Bradbury

    I think that PIE’s description of Damion’s comments about UK estate agents as a “… brutal swipe…” is a little exaggerated.

    I’ve never met the gentleman but I certainly admire his ambition and apparent determination to raise standards, particularly in respect of marketing. I believe we can learn a lot from our U.S. cousins.when it comes to selling property.

  4. Rob Hailstone

    I had an initial feeling that this particular property sale might not be plain sailing, and that the free boat might affect the amount of SDLT due, but upon checking with Sean Randall, an SDLT expert, it seems not, because Firstly, it’s given for free – so no part of the price is attributable to it, and Secondly, it’s a chattel and exempt from the tax. It seems I was going overboard a bit with my thinking.
    To get my drift, you need to watch the first miute of Damion’s video.

  5. jeremy1960

    Perhaps it is the public who need to learn that we are a profession and, if they and we are going to learn anything from the US system, it is that fees need to increase substantially. For too long now agents have been racing to the bottom as far as fees are concerned with some offering to sell property for free! Top class service means paying top class rates; how many Rolls Royce owners have their cars serviced at the little garage on the corner because it’s cheaper? I suspect none, they appreciate the top class service that comes at a price.

  6. Gangsta Agent

     Damion Merry, who?

  7. Westmids1

    We offer similar video tours but most owners – even at the higher end of the market – prefer to instruct for a lower fee and will still achieve the best market price without the added value marketing options.

    The dynamics of the market here are different to the US – where there is generally a shortage of supply the whistles & bells are not required. However the point about service & professionalism in the industry is valid.

  8. Scottish_Mist42

    This seems more like an advert than a news story

    1. Robert_May

      Naughty step!!

  9. AcornsRNuts

    Merry, who has worked as an estate agent for less than four years . . . That says it all.  It is never a good idea to attack other agents to make yourself look good.  Is this the same former model who appeared on Take Me Out?

  10. MS2000

    He should most certainly learn to take his shoes off when walking around on those lovely carpets

    1. AcornsRNuts

      And wear a support bra.  I need a word to describe him.  Something that rhymes with dosser perhaps?
      Companies House shows Luxury Property Partners Ltd incorporated 22nd March 2022 but does not list him as a Director.

  11. Property Ear

    Early days Damion, you’ve got one hell of a lot to learn before preaching to the other guys.

  12. conoco9

    Better off sticking to game shows pal.

    1. AcornsRNuts

      He was rap (with a silent C) at that too.

  13. Woodentop

    What an absolute joke. His four years says much……..



    as an estate agent, believes UK agents could learn a thing or two from real estate professionals in the US.



    I have properties in US and I can tell you now from first hand experience it is riddled with corruption and part time realtors. Just like in the UK you get the good, the bad and the ugly but saying we can learn from the US is hilarious.

  14. Robert_May

    If your competition aren’t as good as you are don’t tell anyone, not a soul; let referral and recommendation do your talking for you.

    Make people aware you’re good but let them find out  just how good you are.


    Criticising your competition tells them what to do, what they have to fix.  Mr. Merry’s competition can ring up Ben at  Ehouse and  immediately fix the problems Mr. Merry says they have.

  15. Gangsta Agent

    Luxury Property Partners on Companies House makes no mention of this fool as a director, just what appears to be a couple in Leamington Spa. Want to be a Realtor, then go and work in America



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