Could this be the quickest exchange of the year?

Could this be the quickest exchange of the year?

It took just six and a half hours from the offer being received to exchange of contracts.

The property is a Grade Two listed freehold in Brompton Square, Knightsbridge, which needs updating.

Agents Wellbelove Quested said the sale is to a foreign investor.

Andrew Quested said: “We were able to find the right buyer who exchanged on the property in an exceptionally quick time period.

“It has to be the fastest exchange of contracts this year. A brilliant result for our client and both vendor and purchaser are very happy.”

The property of 2,715 sq ft was on the market at £5,750,000 and sports an English Heritage blue plaque noting that the Parisian poet Stephen Mallarme lived there in 1863.

Quested said: “After an exceptionally quiet August, there was a last minute flurry of activity on the property, showing confidence in the property market is returning and things are looking up.”

The property is here


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  1. Bix006

    It has to be the fastest exchange of contracts this year…

    This year?! Glad to see that due diligence is alive and well in West London agency.

  2. ringi

    due diligence may have been done before the offer was put in.

  3. PeeBee

    Anyone wanting a good belly laugh should look at the Z guesstimates for prices in the street.

    Beggars belief…

  4. smile please

     The property is a Grade Two listed freehold in Brompton Square, Knightsbridge, which needs updating.

    Really?!! You should see some of the places we describe as needs updating, I would say ready to move into!

    However i unfortuantley do not deal with properties such as these every day (or even week!)

  5. StatementOfFact

    I imagine anyone buying cash at that price level won’t give a damn about due diligence anyway. Problem crops up a few months down the line? just throw some money at it.

    1. new life

      Anti money laundering anyone ………..!!!!!!!!!!


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