At last! A new use for a For Sale board

A new hobby is being encouraged in Brixton – how to make planters from Foxtons’ boards. Apparently nasturtiums look great in them.

According to the Brixton Buzz: “We can’t say we like them [Foxtons] very much, but we were heartened to hear of ways that some locals have been creatively recycling their boards.”

The Buzz carries a pictorial guide to turning an apparently discarded Foxtons sign into a planter, and also a couple of other photos – one of a Foxtons For Sale board said to be by a council property and another that turned up on a public footpath.

The Buzz asks its readers: “What creative uses have you found for discarded signs?”

Last weekend, the Brixton office of Foxtons was targeted by demonstrators protesting about high house and rental prices, and the “gentrification” of the area.

Foxtons may also have to face the possibility of scaled-up action in Brixton on April 25. A group called “Reclaim Brixton” has issued a call-out for a demonstration, the Battle for Brixton, on that day – and nor does it look as though it will be the only protest. And it seems the organisers mean serious business.

Brixton Buzz on the planters is here

The call for a demo is here


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  1. smile please

    Just to remind the unwashed that if they are turning for sale boards into planters without an agents permission it is theft and criminal damage. If you are ‘Worried’ and a real community member shy not call the number on the board and ask for it to be picked up.

    1. Robert May

      Reading about that planned ‘demonstration’ one has to suspect the charges might extend a bit further than  nicking  & taking a stanley knife to a bit of correx!  I wouldn’t volunteer to work that Saturday especially just ahead of the election!

      1. smile please

        I know, you read the “protest” and it hardly seems like they want peace….. Still very community minded ….. not!


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