Almost three quarters of estate agents back mandatory licensing

The majority of UK estate agents believe that the reputation of the industry would be improved if mandatory licensing was to be introduced, according to new research.

The survey of 262 UK estate agents, commissioned by Nested, asked if they agree that the reputation of the estate agency industry would be improved if mandatory licensing for agents were to be introduced.

Some 73% of respondents agreed, with 30% of those strongly agreeing, while just 15% either somewhat, or strongly disagreed.

When asked if they think such licensing should be overseen by a new regulatory body, or an existing entity such as Propertymark or the RICS, 76% stated they would like to see a new entity trusted with the task.

A notable 97% also believed that estate agents who flaunt the rules and give the sector a bad name should be expelled from operating within the industry.

Alice Bullard, MD at Nested, commented: “The topic of mandatory licensing has been a hot one for some years now and while it’s fair to say that the industry has largely moved beyond its traditionally poor reputation, there have still been some recent examples of big industry names operating by their own rule book.

“Regardless of your opinion, the setting and maintenance of a certain set of rules and standards can only be a positive step towards improving the industry for both the customer and workforce alike. It’s high time the sector evolved in this respect.”



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  1. Woodentop

    Errrr we have  a property ombudsman scheme and the local authority can get a banning order which has been around for decades.


    What we need is a system that is policed and has teeth. Absolutely no to any of the existing organisations who have proven time and time again they are not up to the job with their own members, let alone take control of the country. Talks of licencing before was more cantered on selling training (make money) for these organisation’s and while that would help, it also gave the credentials for the dishonest to trade behind. Dishonesty is a mind set which no regulation, rules, qualification will stop. To prove that point …. look inside our prisons.


    Yes to all who work in estate agency be licenced. But not a money spinning scheme that turns into a farce. It needs an adjudicating  panel to listen to complaints of wrong doing from any quarter (TPO won’t listen to whistle blowers!) and a rating system of warning and fines or withdrawn licence like we have with driving licences. Once you hit the top points, you are banned for life.


    Don’t we already have that oversight but very much watered down with the TPO?

  2. JWVW

    262 Agents – not much of a poll then. One to be ignored.


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