UK estate agency business model is ‘unfit for purpose’

Daniel Daggers
Daniel Daggers

The UK estate agency sector is not fit for purpose, with many agents seemingly struggling to provide the right type of service, according to a former Knight Frank director.

Daniel Daggers, who enjoyed a 12-year career with the London-based firm before leaving the company in November 2019, claims that many agents are struggling to keep up with changing consumer demands and expectations.

Daggers, a central London-based agent who calls himself ‘Mr Super Prime’, said on Twitter: “UK estate agency business model is now unfit for purpose. It’s upside down. Doesn’t suit, the seller, landlord, tenant, buyer or agent.. no one involved except for the owners of the businesses. #fact #realestate.”

He argues that there is “little to no trust in the system”. He adds that the estate agency sector, in its existing form “doesn’t allow anyone in the transaction to build a long relationship”.

“Full focus on the singular transaction. Main reason (although there are many) for agents to have a bad rep,” he tweeted.

Is there a model which suits all stakeholders?

“Working on it,” Daggers added.


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  1. AlwaysAnAgent

    We used to have “cranks” when I was young. They could be seen standing on a piece of cardboard in a town centre preaching a bizarre message that no one else understood. I felt sorry for them.

    The same people no longer need a piece of cardboard, or a town centre, as they have a new platform – social media.

  2. JonnyBanana43

    Daggers on a PR stunt again.
    Perhaps he is suggesting we should all operate like him?!
    Not sure the KF board would agree Danny!

  3. AndSotheStoryBegan

    “There are some that venture down new paths armed only with their vision”. – Ayn Rand.

    The negative reputation of this industry has been around for decades, with none able or willing to help it change. That change will not come from competence, but from character. Something that most agents are unwilling to reveal, preferring instead to hide themselves behind the corporate brand. As a result, the one thing any vendor wants, that of trust, is a scarce thing.. All agencies claim they are trusted, but of course, they would say that, wouldn’t they?

    There is huge focus on being “better than” which only makes this more of a commodity sector. Instead, relationships are the key to building a sustainable business. If there’s no relationship, it doesn’t matter how much brand awareness there is, agents like Daniel will pick those agencies apart.

  4. Bosky

    “Mr Super Prime”

    David Icke of estate agency?

  5. PeeBee

    ““Working on it,” Daggers added.”

    I chuffin’ bet he is…

    1. PeeBee

      Thanks for the ‘Dislike’, Mr Daggers! (or is it his mum wielding the downward thumb this morning?)

  6. Robert_May

    I can’t figure out  what he’s actually saying, it’s not clear from this article which bit isn’t  fit for purpose

    1. PeeBee

      Looking at the Tw@tter thread, when asked to elabvorate he goes on to say

      “Little to no trust in the system as it doesn’t allow anyone in the transaction to build a long relationship.”

      Dunno about the rest of you, but in some 5000 transactions I have been involved in, I can’t think of a single person who has wanted the “relationship” that normal people like us call “the process of selling, buying or renting” to develop into a long one.

      Faster the better for most.

      Is this chap looking to charge by the hour, perhaps?

      1. Robert_May

        He’s got the same itch everyone who’s frustrated by the process has got; how to we make the system better?  If it was simple to apply service and care to the industry someone would have done it. The problem is a people problem, only when  there’s a way to fix greed and selfishness and a way to  cure to envy and stress can there be any sort of improvement to the way things carry on right now.

      2. Bosky

        He must be referring to superficial relationships, you know, the ones found on social media.


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