Zoopla launches new-look dashboard for agents

Zoopla this morning is launching a redesigned dashboard as part of changes to ZooplaPro.

It says the t new dashboard will make it easier for agents to see their properties, phone and email leads, and also what the competition is doing.

In an email to member agents yesterday, Zoopla told them:

“At a glance you’ll be able to:

  • See how many email leads you’ve received whether valuation, sales or lettings. As well as phone calls and the percentage you’ve answered.
  • Keep an eye on your performance in the local area, with an easy-to-read view of how you rank against competitors, and if your position has changed in the last 7 days.
  • Check how many properties you’ve got on the market, and see their average click through rate.
  • See how many times your properties have shown up in search results and been viewed on ZPG’s sites.”

Email the story to a friend!


  1. Disillusioned

    With the quantity and quality of leads I’m currently getting from Z, I wouldn’t have thought they would want me seeing it ‘at a glance!’

    1. Ric

      A very honest opinion from a Z member. Both RM and OTM are giving me VERY little leads of any quality yet we still survive. I think so many people may check us out online but still prefer to lead the conversation and call us rather than us call them.

    2. Consumer Perspective

      Be a better agent with more appeal??

  2. smile please

    Anybody actually use zoopla’s dashboard, surely everybody uses RM’s?

    1. smile please

      Looking at the dislikes guessing we have a few Z portal reps hanging around!

    2. Gump

      Never have used Z, RM all the way! Well as far a dashboards go anyway 🙂

      1. smile please

        Yep as much as we dislike RM, for comparables and to look at market share it is the only one we use as all agents are on RM.

        Hopefully of course in time this will change 😉

  3. Rivero

    I’ve looked at my dashboard and nothing’s changed!?

    1. Ric

      Never seen a Z dashboard so not sure if this is a good thing for you or not.

      Do they compare you to the other local Z agents in your area – like RM+?

      1. smile please

        Yes, they also brought Vizzi, Which at one point was a great tool as showed what the areas best agent for X was. But when Z got hold of it only showed data for Z.

        Even before OTM this was a pain because not every agent advertised on a second portal.

      2. Rivero

        Yes Ric it’s similar to RM+, it has some good features but it’s competitor analysis is not as good in my opinion, although this may now have been remedied.

    2. Rivero

      I love that 2 people have ‘disliked’ my comment above. It is a fact that my dashboard has not changed (why would you dislike a comment for stating fact?)…for the 2 that did you realise the button states ‘dislike’ and not ‘click here if you have a low IQ’ right?

      1. Woodentop

        Brill, that just made my week.

      2. smile please

        It is frustrating when people dislike FACT just shows you are doing something right though!

        I would prefer people to question comments rather than dislike but hey ho!

        As for my Dash i cant comment as i do not know the log details, been months since i even looked at it!

        1. Ric

          Sorry, couldn’t resist hitting “dislike” hee hee. feeling rebellious today!

          1. Rivero

            Ha! You go Ric…I would have done the same…too tempting not too!

            1. Ric

              I should add, I didn’t dislike the original post!! as completely agree people hitting dislike on comments which are just reporting fact are in some cases ridiculous. But it confirms these are the Z employees trolling the site in the above case.

              1. smile please

                I dislike both your comments! but for some reason my computer does not allow me to click the thumbs up or down!


                1. Rivero

                  I think they should also add a ‘completely indifferent’ button.

  4. wilko

    Not very innovative in my view.

  5. Consumer Perspective

    You guys are all being quite blinkered on this subject. I’m sure you’re all ****** good at being agents but I’m afraid it doesn’t bode well for you in being critics. So we’ve all grown up on RM and RM+, it currently feels authoritative and everyone uses it. That said, there are things that you can talk about with customers from an RM perspective they’ve heard umpteen times already. It’s quite refreshing using the Z info and makes us look a lot more interesting when not churning out the same old RM guff.

    Moreover, we’ve wanted RM to be threatened for years and Z have done, imho, a brilliant job of evolving the way consumers research and interact with us agents AND helping us win. It’s future proof vs RM being pretty boring. OTM is so potentially brilliant but misses the point right now, and its execution thus far has only made RM stronger. If we continue to be so negative about the real innovators, 75% of agents will still benefit and will be able to negotiate harder with RM. RM doesn’t get any better over time anyway, just stronger as people play out this paradox of loathing in on one hand and worshiping it on another.

    Fact, OTM agents’ general teaming up with RM is the precise reason why it isn’t working. If you are planning to disrupt the duopoly then do so. Don’t make the #1 even stronger without benefit to us.

  6. PeeBee

    “Zoopla launches new-look dashboard for agents”

    That’s nice – I’m sure both of them will be very appreciative…” ;o)


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