Yet another housing minister appointed – the sixth in a year

Rachel Maclean

Rachel Maclean has become the sixth housing minister in 12 months, replacing Lucy Frazer.

Maclean was confirmed as the Minister of State in the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) yesterday evening as part of Rishi Sunak’s reshuffle.

Maclean was previously Minister of State at Ministry of Justice Liz Truss’ short premiership, which last just six weeks.

She was Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Home Office between September 2021 and July 2022, and Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Transport between February 2020 and September 2021.

She was elected Conservative MP for Redditch in 2017.

There have now been 15 different housing ministers since the Conservatives came to power in 2010.

The DLUHC has confirmed that Felicity Buchan remains the minister responsible for the upcoming Renters Reform Bill.



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  1. MrManyUnits

    What an absolute shambles, either nobody wants the job or is good at it, I’d say both and there is no viable alternative party-Portugal is looking better everyday.

  2. LVW4

    Housing is one of the biggest challenges we have. We don’t have enough, the quality is poor, we aren’t building enough, planning is a nightmare; green belt, brown belt, toads and newts, nimbys, landlords, leasehold, illegal (and legal) migration, lobbying from the likes of shelter and generation rent… Whoever takes it on stands no chance of effecting meaningful change in the time available. Surprisingly, Gove is still there, and has committed to phase 2 of the leasehold reforms this year. Maybe, with 5.5 million leasehold homes in England & Wales alone, the sheer volume of votes at stake make this one of those meaningful changes which can and should be effected.

  3. Will2

    Just like changing nappies! another one bites the dust and another one’s gone!


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