Winkworth offers free printing for schoolchildren working from home

Winkworth is the latest estate agent to offer to help pupils by offering to print school work for anyone that does not have access to a printer.

The idea began with the Palmers Green office in north London, where director Nick Charalambous made the offer after chatting to local parents in the area.

Offices across Winkworth estate agents’ network are now also offering printing support, with Clapham, Kennington,  Pimlico, Fulham, South Kensington, Palmers Green, New Cross, Forest Hill, Weybridge, Dartmouth and Torbay in Devon, plus offices in Norfolk, Suffolk and Brighton taking part so far and others are expected to join in.

The offer is being promoted through social media by each office to reach their local communities.

Dominic Agace, chief executive, Winkworth, said: “Our offices are very part of the local community, being run by people who have worked and live in the area for a long time and appreciate the challenges facing families during the current lockdown.

“I am delighted that the idea from our Palmers Green office has now been taken up by other offices in the network. We do hope that it helps pupils trying to do their schoolwork at home.”

In addition, Winkworth’s Kingsbury office has launched an appeal locally for laptops, computers and monitors to help children who attend Kingsbury Green Primary School and may not have access to a computer at home.

Ajay Bathija, director of the Kingsbury office, said: “We are asking local people and businesses to support us to help children at the school, who are unable to study at home because they do not have a laptop or computer.

“We will also be donating equipment. The need is urgent and we are using social media and email to get the message out.”


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  1. Seller0169

    Is this really news, most agents have been doing this all over the U.K.

    1. WatfordAgent

      Almost all agents here are doing it too.

  2. Herb

    Two weeks late to the party!


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