Webinar to support agents ahead of changes to material information

Ahead of the arrival of Material Information Parts B & C which is expected this autumn, iamproperty is inviting agents to a webinar to help them get ahead of the changes and maximise the opportunities they bring.

It will be hosted by iamproperty’s customer success manager, Dan Milne, and product manager, Tania Bonesi. It will take place on Zoom on 24 October at 11am.

Those attending will discover what to expect from Parts B & C, how to embrace more information upfront as a positive opportunity for their agency, where technology can support them, and have their questions answered. The webinar is open to Estate Agents and anyone in the industry who could benefit.

Over the summer iamproperty has been supporting agents to prepare for the changes with the launch of its Material Information Hub – a dedicated space full of insights, tips and guidance from industry experts including Beth Rudolf and Paul Offley. The webinar will be the latest tool agents can access as the requirement to provide more information upfront draws closer.

One of the hosts, Tania Bonesi, is product manager for iamproperty’s end-to-end onboarding and conveyancing solution movebutler, which is already supporting agents with Part A requirements, helping to remove the admin burden. When the full extent of requirements for Parts B & C are confirmed, the platform will be enhanced to take care of the changes and help agents stay compliant.

Bonesi said: “We see upfront Material Information as a huge opportunity for Estate Agents and the industry, as we see first-hand every day the positive impact it has on auction transactions, supporting them to be faster and more secure than Private Treaty sales. With more information upfront across Private Treaty as well with the introduction of Parts B & C, it will allow agents to increase their pipeline turn and drive a faster, more efficient process for everyone involved.

“To support agents with the changes, we’re making a number of updates to our movebutler solution. Ultimately, it will do even more of the information gathering for them and provide a better experience for their clients, all while helping them to stay compliant and get their clients legally prepared, quicker.

“For those who still feel like they need to get up to speed about what this will mean for them, or to find out more about how technology can support their agency, we encourage them to join us on the webinar later this month.”

You can sign up to the webinar here.



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