Tory MP landlords named after voting down proposal to outlaw unfit homes

At least 72 of the Tory MPs who voted against an amendment to ensure their rental homes are fit for human habitation are themselves private landlords.

The Conservatives voted against a Labour amendment in the Commons by 312 votes to 219 – a majority of 93.

Shadow housing minister Teresa Pearce said that it was “distressing” to see reports of homes “which are frankly unfit for human habitation being let, often at obscene prices”.

Local government minister Marcus Jones, however, said the proposal would add “unnecessary regulation and cost to landlords” and push up rents.

The Housing and Planning Bill will now be debated in the Lords.

The full list, available widely online, of landlord MPs who voted down the amendment includes David Cameron, housing minister Brandon Lewis, and Kevin Hollinrake, who is co-founder and chairman of Hunters estate agents.

  • Nigel Adams
  • Stuart Andrew
  • Victoria Atkins
  • Jake Berry
  • James Berry
  • Bob Blackman
  • Robert Buckland
  • Alun Cairns
  • David Cameron
  • Alex Chalk
  • James Cleverley
  • Geoffrey Clifton-Brown
  • Therese Coffey
  • Geoffrey Cox
  • Mims Davies
  • Philip Davies
  • Richard Drax
  • James Duddridge
  • Alan Duncan
  • Philip Dunne
  • Jane Ellison
  • George Eustice
  • Mike Freer
  • Richard Fuller
  • John Glen
  • Robert Goodwill
  • Chris Grayling
  • Dominic Grieve
  • Chris Heaton-Harris
  • Peter Heaton-Jones
  • George Hollingberry
  • Kevin Hollinrake
  • Philip Hollobone
  • Nick Hurd
  • Stewart Jackson
  • Margot James
  • Sajid Javid
  • Joseph Johnson
  • Simon Kirby (teller)
  • Greg Knight
  • Brandon Lewis
  • Julian Lewis
  • Craig Mackinlay
  • Tania Mathias
  • Karl McCartney
  • Anne Marie Morris
  • Sheryll Murray
  • Robert Neill
  • Sarah Newton (teller)
  • Jesse Norman
  • David Nuttall
  • Neil Parish
  • Owen Paterson
  • Rebecca Pow
  • Jeremy Quin
  • Jacob Rees-Mogg
  • Laurence Robertson
  • Julian Smith
  • Royston Smith
  • Mark Spencer
  • John Stevenson
  • Desmond Swayne
  • Derek Thomas
  • Anne-Marie Trevelyan
  • Andrew Turner
  • Shailesh Vara
  • Theresa Villiers
  • Ben Wallace
  • David Warburton
  • Craig Whittaker
  • John Whittingdale
  • Nadhim Zahawi

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  1. Will

    Perhaps Labour should have provided more social housing when it was in office so the housing shortage does not drive people to rent from criminal landlords. Just politicians blaming everyone one else for their own shortcomings.


    Given the earnings of MPs I suspect this list may reflect the wider population the MPs represent. The only way to know (and show no political bias) would be to see a list showing MPs from all parties who are landlords – what about it Eye?


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