Tories gain housing industry support as 43% of property professionals prefer Sunak-led government

With the general election just over a month away, Tory MPs up and down the country reportedly face losing their seats, with constituency-level polling by YouGov suggesting that the Conservatives are heading for near wipeout.

But there are some signs that the Labour lead over the Conservatives may be overstated, if this latest straw poll is anything to go by.

Property Industry Eye last week sought to establish where voting intentions currently lie within the property industry.

We set-up a poll asking readers – those working in our industry – to declare which party they would vote for.

The votes have been cast and the results are in:


EYE’s poll in the run-up to the election shows a commanding lead for the Conservatives among those working in the housing sector, suggesting that Labour have not won hearts and minds across the industry.


What will the general election mean for the property market?



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  1. BillyTheFish

    April 2024 was the 11th month in a row to be the hottest on record globally. 2024 may be the first year to hit 1.5°C of warming (2023 hit it but was not a full year). This is the figure the 2015 Paris Agreement stated we could not go over.
    How many months in a row or natural disasters are needed before people start to take notice? Or even being regular front page news? Wake up!!
    The property industry, represented in this survey, has gone for business as usual for short term gain, kicking the can down the road for long term pain.
    It is clear the current mob are not going to remain in power and hopefully the country won’t be dragged through something like the last 14 years again. We don’t need to vote tactically for a change, this one is different. Bearing in mind what is happening to the planet why not vote for the future, for your children/grandchildren/nephew/nieces and the world they’re going to be living in.
    Or is it next time, next time, next time…. (that’s the can being kicked down the road BTW).
    We’ve been running out of time for the last 40 years, now it is critical.

    1. A W

      Billy, we’ve had this conversation before.

      The PRS accounts for 4% of total UK emissions, this amounts to 0.4% of Global emissions. This is negligible when over 50% of world emissions are from 3 countries: USA, India & China.

      Changing the energy efficiency of properties is not really a cost effective solution, nor does it make much of an impact.

  2. scruffy

    I used to be indecisive, now I’m not so sure.
    It seems as if a lengthy period in Government leads to the typical cycle of Tory infighting and complacency and to Labour re-inventing itself to appeal to the electorate in the same way that New Labour under Blair did. If that means property industry-friendly policies from Keir Starmer et al. then we should have little to fear.
    What cannot be overlooked is the support our industry and we as employers were able to benefit from during the Pandemic. Bounce back loans, furlough and much else were real lifelines but inevitably knocked public finances hard meaning that other sectors, be they the NHS, potholes or immigration did not receive the same attention or support that might otherwise have been the case.
    Could Labour or any other party have done any better ?
    A more fundamental debate, that may not affect our industry as much, is a proper measure of the positive or negative effects of Brexit.
    No politician dares to engage in that debate !

    1. singingagent

      The UK is getting back on track after enduring the pandemic, fuel crises and high inflation following the invasion of Ukraine. Surprised Rishi Sunak called the election before the B of E started reducing its Base Rate.

      Just look at what Labour have done for Wales over the past 25 years, NHS operation waiting times double that in England, education standards now similar to third world countries. Major congestion caused by them cancelling the M4 relief road (after spending £153 million), blanket 20mph in built up areas, reducing lanes for cycle paths, speed reduced to 50mph on motorways and dual carriageways, etc.

      Kier Starmer has already stated that he wants to turn Wales into a green energy hub, plastering 200m tall wind turbines and pylons across beautiful unspoilt countryside, rather than have them near towns and cities where energy is consumed. Don’t forget that it was Blair and Brown who were responsible for the extreme property inflation in 2002 by removing 3 x salary limits on mortgages so now FTBs struggle to get on the ladder, selling the UK’s gold bullion and raiding our pension pots.

      1. CountryLass

        I can’t bring myself to vote Labour, but I also do not want to vote for my local MP (Tory) so I’m a bit stuck…

        1. singingagent

          Michael Gove’s policy to change the private rental sector in England did not go through the Commons before the election was announced. If Labour win and they take the same line as the Labour administration in Wales you will have at least 50% more administration work on your rental portfolio, 8 documents for each new letting with gas and a 38 page contract. It appeared that their Housing Minister thought that every landlord and every Letting Agent was a b@-tard. They got lots of things wrong in the Act because they did not understand that the PRS and Social Housing have always been different, but they wanted one piece of legislation for everyone.


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