Tenants want letting agents and landlords to display green credentials

Renters across the UK want agents and landlords to demonstrate their green credentials, with close to three-quarters deeming it important and close to half considering it a deal-breaker when choosing to rent a property, according to research from MRI Software.

MRI’s Rental Housing Trends and Preferences report, based on a survey of more than 2,000 UK renters, also revealed that nearly four-fifths want to own their own property eventually, onsite amenities have become increasingly important to them, and two-thirds would prefer to manage their relationship with their landlord or property manager digitally.

“The rental housing report provides a wide-ranging look into the mindset of UK residential renters with revealing stats that show their expectations, demands and behaviours,” said James Lavery, vice president of marketing (EMEA) at MRI Software. “The survey also provides a window on what rental trends are developing in the marketplace. One of the most noteworthy findings is that all renters – especially younger renters – now demand that landlords and building managers take a green approach to managing the properties they rent out.”

The MRI survey showed that 72% of renters say it is important that their building be managed in an environmentally friendly way, and 74% say they wanted their landlord or property manager to have technologies in place that ensure their rental properties are green, energy-efficient spaces.

Younger renters were much more likely to agree that environmental credentials were vital, with 75% of those aged 18-24 agreeing, compared to just 67% of those over 65. The findings reveal that 47% of all respondents see the lack of green building management as a deal-breaker, with 59% of 18-24-year-olds likely to take this more rigid stance when renting.

The research also reveals that an overwhelming proportion (79%) of UK renters want to own their own property eventually, and that 80% prefer to live in houses while they are renting – even though just 63% are doing so at the moment. Most UK renters live in cities, suburbs and towns (90%), although more than a quarter of all respondents (27%) would prefer to be in rural communities, where just 10% currently reside. Rural renters are most satisfied with where they live, with 81% saying they are happy living where they are versus just over 50% of those renting elsewhere.

The survey also reveals that, as we move further away from the pandemic, some attitudes to renting have changed, as 39% say their expectations are “far greater” in terms of rental amenities such as private parking, access to high-speed broadband, additional storage, onsite security, exercise facilities, and an onsite coffee shop; and nearby facilities such as shopping, nightlife, healthcare services, green spaces and outdoor markets. The survey also revealed:

+ 50% of all renters say having amenities such as a hairstylist, dry cleaner or café onsite, as well as internal facilities such as a gym, party rooms or concierge services, makes living in an apartment complex “far more appealing”

+ The younger the renter, the more likely they are to see ‘hotel-style’ amenities such as onsite gyms, party rooms, concierge services, hair salons, dry cleaners, and cafés as a difference maker, with 60% of 18-24-year-olds wanting such facilities, compared to 37% of over-65s;

+ 56% of respondents would accept a longer commute for better amenities and their desired property type.

Overall, 66% of renters prefer to manage their relationship with their landlord or property manager digitally and in a self-service manner. This result is weighted heavily towards younger users, with 71% of those aged 25-34 agreeing versus just 37% of those over 65. When it comes to signing documents, more than half (52%) still prefer to do so in person, but a third (33%) would like to do so via electronic signature on email or through an online portal – although only 29% are able to currently.

Lavery added: “The results suggest that online portals and other digital tools have strong potential to become more popular as new generations move into the rental market and other residents are educated on the benefits. The findings demonstrate that, when targeting modern renters, landlords and property managers that offer the desired amenities, communication tools, payment options, and solid green credentials will be better positioned in a competitive market to win them over and maintain occupancy over the long-term.”



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  1. Scottish_Mist42

    Based on the current supply & demand crisis tenants are so desperate for a home that they wouldn’t care less if we had a coal fired generator pumping black smoke into the air and have diesel guzzling SUV’s as company vehicles (to clarify we don’t have these things by the way!).  But such is the dire state of the private sector rental sector in most cases people’s principals get thrown out the window when they are one of thirty people wanting a property.



  2. jeremy1960

    What utter tosh! Since the inception of EPCs, I cannot once remember a tenant querying or discussing the ratings. Often at checkout we find things like cheap light bulbs have replaced the energy efficient ones in the property at the outset or boilers set at maximum. Now, more than ever, as property supply becomes scarcer, tenants are grateful to get a viewing, let alone worry whether the landlord is a tree hugging greenie.

  3. KByfield04

    I think a clear case here of what Tenants would LIKE/WISH to be a deciding factor but, in reality, isn’t. I think I have been asked about EPC ratings about 30 times since their launch and I’ve never had a tenant ever question how our company or contractors operate from an environmental perspective.

    Equally- would you like to own a property that has a gym, concierge, workspace, etc? I can’t imagine many people saying no to this without understanding the cost implications.

  4. Woodentop

    I concur with the comments above. The EPC is not a major factor but if you want it “green” that’s OK with me but the rent you will pay to cover the costs is something you may regret. The days of getting everything for nothing, long left the party.


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