Six letting agents fined after council clampdown

Six letting agents in north London have been fined a total of £12,000, as Haringey Council takes further action to safeguard tenants and landlords in the private rented sector.

Together with London Trading Standards (LTS), the council’s Trading Standards team have identified what it deems to be “rogue” letting agents who have failed to become a member of the mandatory Client Money Protection Scheme.

Agents who collect holding deposits from tenants and rent on behalf of their landlords are required by law to have insurance to protect their client’s money.

Complying with this legislation ensures tenants and landlords are compensated if all or part of their money is not repaid.

Six rogue agents have been fined and brought into compliance.

Cllr Sarah Williams, cabinet member for Housing Services, Private Renters and Planning, said: “Haringey Council is cracking down on rogue letting agents, protecting Haringey’s 90,000 private renters.

“Letting agents have a legal duty to safeguard their clients, and Haringey Council will take enforcement action against any agents who do not comply with regulations.

“Thanks to the diligent work of our officers we have identified six agents who put their landlords and tenants at financial risk. This, alongside other policies such as our selective licensing scheme, is part of our ongoing work to strengthen Haringey’s private rented sector.”

Since the 1 April 2019, property agents in the private rented sector in England who hold client money must obtain membership from a government approved or designated Client Money Protection Scheme.


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  1. GreenBay

    So how were these agents able to operate without CMP. What were there relevant Ombudsmen doing, surely as part of the renewal process for the Ombudsman proof of CMP protection is required? Just seems like something has gone fundamentally wrong here?
    Perhaps a follow up question from Eye to the council would be interesting?

  2. jeremy1960

    Low hanging fruit as far as councils are concerned, 2 staff visiting each agency on the patch asking to see proof. Hardly diligent work is it, the yoof experience trainees could have done it.

  3. Woodentop

    Should never have happened. How long has it been the case you must protect Deposits and have CMP?


    Arguing its the councils fault for not checking agents is laughable. They don’t run your business for you. They do regulate you if you fail to comply with your responsibilities, which in this case is basic lettings procedure.


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