Savills estate agent linked to racist tweet claims account was hacked

A Savills employee who has been publicly criticised for a racist message he allegedly posted on Twitter following England’s Euro 2020 final loss has denied posting the vile message.

The outrageous racist tweet, which appeared on the estate agent’s social media account, was among a number of offensive tweets which sparked public outrage.

Following the missed final penalty against Italy on Sunday, a tweet from an account attributed to the estate agent said, “N****** ruined it for us”.

The hateful tweet was directed at England players Bukayo Saka, Jadon Sancho and Marcus Rashford. The message has since been deleted.

The same Twitter account later followed up with another tweet, believed to be in response to the outrage expressed by other social media users.

The message said: “Omg, I haven’t said anything.”

Savills yesterday took action over the offensive tweet by suspending the member of staff accused of posting the message. But now the company says that the agent claims his account was hacked.

Savills said in a statement: “Savills confirms that the staff member connected with the racist comments placed on Twitter claims that his account was taken over by a third party and that the matter is being referred to the Greater Manchester Police.

“Savills has acted swiftly and confirms that the individual is suspended from duty pending the findings of this investigation, which is being progressed as a priority.

“Savills has a policy of zero tolerance on any form of racial abuse or discrimination.”

Speaking to MailOnline yesterday, the estate agent’s stepfather claimed the Twitter account had been hacked.

Robert Dutson said: “He didn’t post the remark. His account has been hacked.

“That is not him. He is not a racist. The tweet appears to have come from a device not used by this account before.”


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  1. AlwaysAnAgent

    Strange isn’t it. A highly skilled hacker instead of stealing money, valuables, or valuable data, instead uses their skills to hack an estate agent’s Twitter account to make a racist comment.

    1. GeorgeHammond78

      Except, its not that hard to hack a twitter account…….

      Savills/Police/twitter just need a bit of time to properly ascertain where/when/by whom the tweet was posted. Until then, why is everyone frotting themselves? And the bloke yesterday from propertymark jumping on the bandwagon to garner cheap publicity ought to be thoroughly ashamed of himself…….

  2. Not Surprised

    And what about all the other racist and far right comments he made going back months….

  3. aSalesAgent

    A crazy ex may have known/guessed his Twitter password, or got into his email account. The Savills employee’s step-dad states a device not previously used to access the account was used to post the offending tweet.

  4. KByfield04

    A brief scan of his timeline reveals there is no way this was hacked- or his account was hacked months/years ago. A strong argument for employers to have access to and to regularly monitor staff’s social media accounts.

    1. jan - byers

      er no

      That would be like China or North Korea

    2. Cheese.

      Although I don’t agree with what you say, and that individuals shouldn’t be monitored by their employer (as jan says, that’s very wechat and China), I think employees should be conscious that things could come back to bite them… A simpler step would be “stop being racist”… But I am a dreamer I suppose.

      1. jan - byers

        I agree on all counts

        Where would it end?

        Who decides what is acceptable on a social media post and what is not?

        As a Spurs fan can I sack an employees who expresses support for Arsenal?

        Can I sack a person who has a political opinion that i do not agree with?

        I however have no wish to live in state where people can be sacked for having an opinion

        Of course – Liberals are very liberal until someone does not agree with them

    3. PatrickW53

      We’re not a communist state just yet.

  5. IanOliver

    The baying mob drag the blasphemer to the HR department of his corporate employer, throw him to the ground and demand “sack this man, guilty of the sin of Racism. May he be cast out of work eternally, or we will do whatever we can to bring down your business”. Is this the sort of society we are becoming?

    Racism is a mortal sin in the religion of Progressivism which is rapidly becoming compulsory in the West. The trouble is its definition is infinitely elastic. As medieval women accused of witchcraft found, to deny you are a Racist is only proof that you are one, to the zealots. Once it was limited to a visceral racial antagonism, but now the varying definitions of racism include: treating blacks the same as whites, rather than as dependent victims, not ascribing all disparities to white racism, and not seeing racism everywhere.

    The tweet in question here was indeed ugly, but it was a private sports fan’s instant response to his team losing a vital match. How many people use unusually bad language at such a moment?  In selecting less experienced players for the final victory penalty shot, Gareth Southgate appeared to have a racial motive. The expletive in question was correspondingly a racial one, when the Manager’s strange judgement lost the match and emotions unsurprisingly ran high.

    More concerning than one man’s expletive at losing a match at 11pm on Sunday night is the ugly social media lynch mob hounding him in his office on a sober Monday morning, determined to cancel him forever for one tweet,. He even deleted it, and for reasonable people that should be the end of the matter.

    1. jan - byers

      I agee ABSOLUTEY 
      If a white player had missed the len he waould also have got abuse – loads of it
      Harry Kane got plenty after the 1st two games

    2. PeeBee

      Ian Oliver

      “determined to cancel him forever for one tweet,”

      You obviously didn’t read the history on either of the two Twitter accounts attributed – rightly or wrongly – to this man, which were littered with dozens of similar “expletives”.

      I’m as keen as anyone for it to be proved that these Tweets did not emanate from this man.  I am reserving judgement until the truth, one way or the other, surfaces.

      If it transpires he is an innocent party to some form of cyber-identity theft, then he has a shattered reputation to rebuild (which may already be damaged beyond repair) – such is the cruel society we find ourselves living in.

      If, on the other hand, he is proven responsible – then he will have certainly cost himself dearly.


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