Safety warning after female agents receive abusive and threatening calls

A safety alert has been issued after several female agents warned of receiving unwanted calls from someone posing as ‘Chantelle’.

The Women In Estate Agency (WIEA) group has raised concern after a number of its members reported receiving abusive and threatening calls from what potentially appears to be the same individual.

When connected the caller asked questions such as whether they ‘discriminate against lesbians’ to even worse unprintable actions.

Apparently a number of people have confirmed if a man answers she just hangs up.

It was concluded at a recent meeting that greater industry awareness is needed as most people felt who have been subject to this harassment felt that it was an isolated incident and that this could be affecting far wider numbers and that the only correct thing to do in the circumstances was to raise the issue with the trade press to protect the industry from what at this stage is seemingly just a pest but of course very aware how these things can develop into something far sinister.

WIEA member, Heather Foster, said “It was clear from the conversations flying around on WIEA and amongst members that this wasn’t just a flash in the pan and so I thought it was vital we discussed today.”

Relocation Agent Network Advisory Committee’s Simon Whale commented: “Health & safety is often sneered at as being a bit woke but I think anyone can agree this is not something that can be taken lightly. If anyone is aware of this going on in their businesses please contact me at and we will collate the reports and see what the authorities can do on the matter. Its easy to imagine this being ignored as isolated incidents but from what we can see its anything but.”



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