Proptech firm which aims to tie in buyers and sellers to launch ‘top secret’ new product

Proptech company Gazeal, which offers products and processes that aim to secure transactions and prevent gazumping, gazundering and fall-throughs, is to open a training academy.

It will do so in partnership with the Allstars Group, run by Bryan Mansell and Sarah Edmundson.

The academy will be launched as Gazeal gears up to unveil a new product which it says will “fix the ongoing and worsening problem with pipeline conversion and sales falling through”.

Steve Dawkins of Gazeal says the product launch is currently a fiercely guarded secret but promises it will “help agents in a big way with cashflow”.

Edmundson, who co-owns Allstars Group, said: “Agents are really feeling the pinch right now.

“We have trained over 2,500 agents in the last 12 months and the challenges surrounding the length of time between sale agreed and completion, not to mention the alarming rate of fall-throughs, are causing real problems and stress for both home movers and agents all over the UK.”

The launch is set for January, while the new academy will offer a full programme of learning, both online and offline.

Gazeal’s twin moves come after the Government’s call for evidence into the house buying and selling process.

The Government has indicated it would like to see reservation agreements in place to increase commitment between buyer and seller, and plans to run pilots. It has said it also wants to see high tech solutions.

As a result, a number of proptech companies are seeing a potentially bright new future for their businesses – including those which may have been slow to get off the ground until now.

The Allstars Group – founded by recruiter Josh Rayner and sold by him last year – remains an independent training organisation, working all over the UK with agents ranging from single branches to regional groups.


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  1. ArthurHouse02

    Locking buyers in isnt the problem, unless pat of this you are going to force conveyancers to actually talk to each other and management companies to respond to enquiries or provide management packs quicker.

    Its not buyers or estate agents that need educating its others that impact our industry and what we are trying to do.


    Others being solicitors Arthur

    But Agents can’t have their cake and eat it. If they encourage and create a status whereby there is a rush to the bottom and so that solicitors are working for “fresh air and belly button fluff” then solicitors will need to take on x times as many cases as perhaps conducive to providing a tip top service just in order to be able to scratch out a living


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