Property Ombdusman issues updated versions of all Codes of Practice

The Property Ombudsman scheme has amended and updated versions of all its Codes of Practice.

The updates are in the light of new legislation that has come into force within the last 12 months.

Ombudsman Christopher Hamer said: “The decision was taken to carry out a full review of the Codes to reflect continuing market developments and the obligations now placed on agents by various pieces of legislation that have been enacted, such as the Consumer Rights Act.

“Changes under the Deregulation Act which started yesterday have also been integrated into the new set of Codes, providing comprehensive guidance to our member agents on the new regime.”

The Ombudsman will apply the new Codes of Practice when reviewing consumer complaints about events that have occurred after October 1.

Hamer said: “The first Code of Practice was enforced in 1990, albeit in a rather shorter form than today.

“During that 25-year period, the property industry has developed tremendously and continues to change today making it necessary to release new versions to ensure agents fully understand their responsibilities.

“As the market changes, we continue to provide as much up to date information as possible through our guidance documents and website to support both members and consumers.”

The review process involved trade associations, representatives from large and smaller agents in both sales and lettings and a representative from TPO’s independent Council.

All TPO Codes of Practice have been revised including: Residential Estate Agents, Residential Letting Agents, Residential Estate Agents (Scotland), Residential Letting Agents (Scotland), Buying Agents, Property Buying Companies, Commercial and Membership Obligations.


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One Comment

  1. seenitall

    that the complainant has to pay something to start a complaint via TPO?       £50 perhaps  just to show they are no fixtious.


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