More than 1,000 property professionals from across the country joined forces to raise £20,000 during a charity run on Sunday.
The annual JLL Property 5k run, held in London’s Regent’s Park, raised the money for Starlight, JLL’s charity, which grants wishes to children with serious and terminal illnesses across the UK.
Legal & General’s Andrew Mercer defended his overall title for the third year running, completing the race in just 16 mins 30 secs.
JLL UK chief executive Guy Grainger said: “It’s fantastic to see so many colleagues taking part in this healthy initiative which has raised significant funds for our charity partner, Starlight.
“Our people and our communities are two areas that we’re really committed to supporting through our sustainability programme Building for Tomorrow, and it’s events like this which really bring that programme to life.”
JLL’s Alan Silvester won the men’s under-40 category, finishing the race in 16 mins 54 secs, while Amy Bryant, from Gerald Eve, took the honours in the women’s under-40 race, completing the course in 20 mins 5 secs.
Overall winner Andrew Mercer was also the victor in the men’s over-40 category, while Emma Huepfl, from JCRA Laxfield, was first across the finishing line in the women’s, finishing in a time of 20 mins 3 secs.

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