Property industry bosses rank among the most hated in the UK

The property sector ranks among the top five industries with the most unpopular bosses, according to new research.

A survey carried out by Reboot Digital asked 3,445 people in the UK from 29 different sectors whether they liked their boss. If they gave a negative answer, respondents – all aged 18 to 65 – were asked what the main reasons were.

Property and construction took fourth place on the list, with a massive 45% of respondents from the industry stating they disliked their boss. This compared with 51% for retail, which topped the list ahead of healthcare (48%) and sales 47%). Making up the top five were joint-placed energy & utilities and public services & administration (both 42%).

The most popular managers were revealed to be in the creative arts & design industry, where only 10% said they disliked their boss, ahead of charity & voluntary work (11%), information technology (12%), science & pharmaceuticals (14%) and media & internet (15%).

The survey found ‘being underpaid’ as the most common reason for animosity towards the boss (66%), followed by micromanagement (46%), lack of communication (43%), ingratitude (27%), bullying and being ‘generally annoying’ (both 24%).

Other reasons listed by Reboot Digital included laziness (15%), condescension (12%), incompetence (9%) and inappropriateness (5%).



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One Comment

  1. Robert_May

    You have to question why people work  for people they don’t like or who treat them bad

    Top tip – Make a careful note of everything you don’t like, everything that’s unfair or unreasonable, once you’ve discussed all that’s unfair and unreasonable things will either change and be better or  they’ll stay the same. If nothing changes an employment tribunal will decide if things were unfair or unreasonable.

    Most people have legal protection insurance cover included with a car or home insurance policy.  That legal protection usually covers employment disputes so cost is not a barrier to challenging unfair or unreasonable behaviour by an employer.

    Bad bosses don’t like their bosses to know they’re bad bosses and they certainly don’t like the cost of being a bad boss.


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