In what looks like a propaganda battle, national media coverage over the last days has predicted a disaster scenario when OnTheMarket launches.
One article, in the Mail, suggested house prices could fall because fewer buyers would see listings, leading to decreased demand.
The Guardian ran similar suggestions, warning that home owners planning to sell “may find themselves the victims of a property website battle”. It quotes the HomeOwners Alliance as saying that the “one other portal” rule could impact prices and the speed of sale.
Meanwhile the Telegraph ran a piece under the headline “Online estate agents up in arms over new website” with the sub-head “Rivals claim OnTheMarket has been set up to protect high street chains”.
As is often the case, there is a difference between the Telegraph’s print version and the online version where the sub-head emphasises that it “could take longer to sell your home for less” and that selling your home is about to become a “real headache”.
The piece, by Anna White, claims: “OTM could also increase the time it takes to sell a home and lessen its value, according to its critics.”
It is of course the case that none of the largest high street chains have signed up to OTM – Countrywide, Connells and LSL.
However, independent west country chain Webbers is enthusiastically espousing its support of OTM.
Webbers in the west country tweeted the picture below to nearly 2,500 followers with this message: “The North Devon agents are organized & ready for Jan 26, with innovation & enthusiasm! Spread the word!”
On their site they are currently showing the OnTheMarket and Radar Homes logos.
Blogging on the company site, managing director Malcolm Prescott says: “We are approaching 2105 with relish.
“There will be changes and challenges but there always are. The skill is to assess them and to change, to adapt. We are introducing various new exciting initiatives in 2015, to enhance our marketing service yet further, to raise the bar yet higher!
“January sees the exciting launch of a new national property portal,
“Through a multi-million pound marketing launch, with TV and national advertising, the exposure to the UK market will be fresh and very powerful. Webbers will be there, with our clients’ property!”
The Telegraph online report is here
The Mail online report is here
The Guardian report is here
Webbers say they are "approaching 2105 with relish!" I assume this is when they truly believe OTM will be the portal of choice?
Dates don't seem to be their thing. According to On The Market launches in January 2014.
This is what happens when you outsource the advertising of your product to the agents themselves – it starts to look a bit amateurish.
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The piece by the Telegraph is very strange indeed, it's basically an advert for Zoopla, very odd.
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Nope, it's written from the perspective of the consumer/public. Who are also the customers/readers of the Telegraph.
This may come as a shock to most agents.
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Bravo DE. How crazy of Anna to think of the consumer view
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I see your on first name terms with Anna then Stephen!
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Oh and of course your outfit does Stephen? You actively tell customers that using your service reduces their chances of selling at the best price than they would achieve through a local estate agent do you? You tell them that actually all you are doing is taking money off them to place a private advert with the portals? You tell them that should their sale run less than smoothly with your company they are pretty much left hanging in the wind?. Try being honest about what your cut price deal actually means to a customer before you start spouting about customers viewpoints!
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Which review website would you like me to direct you to?
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What to the review site Stephen that customers, blissfully unaware of what they could have got for their property had a local agent been involved, seem quite happy with the size of fee they paid? No don't bother I have seen plenty of conjuring tricks over they years, yours is just another one of them and now the market is a little tougher, you will be found out soon enough.
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Miss White of the Telegraph is clearly asking and suggesting that people choose a portal not an agent, the consumer chooses an agent not a portal, any Tom, Dick and Harry agent can advertise their properties on Rightmove and Zoopla. Is she now saying that the consumer should not choose agents such as Romans who are market leaders in their region, as they do not advertise on Zoopla. Absolutely shocking journalism.
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The "We are approaching 2105 with relish" is a train that may hit the buffers!
OTM was a nice idea badly executed.
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The public aren't wrong…
I wouldn't try to sell my property through any agent who didn't advertise it on both Zoopla and Rightmove. Why would I want to reduce my potential customer base?
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Oh I'm sorry you are the public are you, or you've spoken to thousands of them and asked their opinion? Or could it be you've just read a newspaper article based on a press release by Russell Quirk and ASSUMED that public opinion isn't against OTM?? There has only ever been one property portal in our area, like or not thats a fact. If agents are on that one portal, ANY buyers looking will be looking on that. OTM is a long term no risk strategy for estate agents pure and simple.
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Look at the response from the public (remember them, your customers?) on the comments section of the Telegraph article.
The piece is written from the perspective of the consumer, the people that have been utterly ignored by those looking at protecting their profits rather than serving their customers.
It'll be the consumer that decides the fate of the OTM, no one else.
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The comments section to a biased article? Pathetic DE. But ok using your logic we can assume the hundreds or thousands that haven't commented on the telegraph article are all pro OTM!
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Agreed. It is amazing how we seem to have 2% of the market making 25% of the noise. Let's hope they will accept defeat gracefully -probably some time in 2017.
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david_d is obviously an online parasite agent without a database of his own potential buyers
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Worse an online agent with a database of buyers but not proactive to call them, just rely on listing the property and hoping somebody calls up.
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david_d is obviously an online parasite agent without a database of his own potential buyers
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I imagine he'll have a big database soon enough.
Imagine thinking the digital platform isn't the future!
I wish all you neigh sayers the very best of luck in 2015.
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@dave_d So, you have an agent with little market share locally, staff aren't all that, not much board presence, not involved in local events and sponsoring community stuff, shabby branch that's not open very late or Sundays but they are on Z & RM…………the alternative is a well respected local brand that has significant market share and board presence locally, a busy prominent branch that's always seems to be open, great team, all your friends recommend them, your family have bought and sold through them but they are on RM and but not Z so you don't use them? – Jonnie
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Quite the contrary and it's amazing how people are so quick to judge based on someones opinion. Modern brach, local events, charity events, busy prominent branch, massive local presence and amazing team. I just have more sense to do my homework before jumping into a huge contractual agreement with someone with no track record. Wise up guys.
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And no – i'm not an online parasite…
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Where would this great country of ours be without the fence sitters of the world like dave_d? You should change your username to 'Cautious Charlie'.
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The great and good of North Devon!
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Well what a surprise. The negative OTM press comments are branded as Zoopla adverts and the negative public responses are basically branded as thicko's being influenced by a biased article. Yet again the blind faith and closed minds of OTM agents makes them ignorant to the reality that there is NOTHING advantageous and PLENTY disadvantageous to sellers about OTM and its one portal rule. These articles are just the forerunner of worse to come once OTM launches and sellers realise they are off either RM and Z. And OTM agents remember this … for every one of you promoting OTM there will be also be at least one local non AM competitor agent hammering OTM with negative publicity. I'll be one of them.
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Crack on. Do your worst.
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Taff, 6 likes for my post, 1 for yours. Seems I'm not the only one planning an assault. I've just finished an email which will be sent to every new seller enquiry prior to the valuation containing links to all three press articles. This is going to get nasty between agents and AM are solely to blame due to their stupid one portal rule.
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Starting 2015 off as out of touch as in 2014 I see Harree. Sell those Zoopla shares now I say.
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PP, there is only one of us out of touch. And it isn't me. OTM will be the biggest disaster since the Titanic and will sink without trace almost as quickly. It will also turn out to be the biggest PR boost for online estate agents once the media educate Joe Public that AM are trying to deny sellers a lower cost service. Mark my words.
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…..with many thousands alongside you noting dwindling recruitment and serious doubts creeping in.
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Blimey!!! This topic / thread has picked up where it left off!!……same comments and arguments that have been doing the rounds for a good while…..except that now, having had NO success with a raft of previous nonsense comments intended to damage OTM, the opposition has now resorted to "OTM will lead to price decreases!!!!!" ……What next when this attempt fails?….."OTM will create uk, European and world poverty? …Really guys!
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Happy New Year everyone. So we are off to the same old pro or anti OTM slagging match. The trouble with media critics is "they are experts on subject they cannot do themselves". I wouldn't waste any more time on this article. I for one have a business to run.
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we have already made our position clear
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Backlinking should not be allowed on this site, adds nothing to the discussion. Chances are this is a numpty SEO expert building links for hundreds of pounds.
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Have to agree, if this type of post catches on it will really spoil the flow . It's a news/discussion site…see Ros if you want to pay for advertising!
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will not happen again
I was lazy I am afraid, next time i will post the text
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Perhaps it is an SEO specialist or Mr Henry himself either way my guess is that Zoopla have offered certain companies in each area a discounted package on the basis that they sign up for the whole of 2015 as well as promote the fact that they have chosen Zoopla over OTM. I've seen a few people on social media doing so and ever since announcing that they have committed to Zoopla for the whole of 2015. If this is true then i'm not sure if this is brave or foolhardy and can certainly leave a few people with egg on their face come Jan 26th.
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we wish OTM every success but it is not for us, I did announce I will stay with zoopla for the whole of 2015, that was without any incentive, if OTM works we will join in a flash
regards Francis Henry
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I was lazy I am afraid, next time i will post the text
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"Mr Francis henry" – assuming you ARE, in fact, who you claim to be and not some SEO numpty making a terrible attempt at their job… this is the THIRD time I have posted this, in response to your blog.
In the statement you say "Daniels Estate Agents have taken the view that the risk to their clients outweighs the saving the agency would potentially make." Truly admirable – I should be clapping my hands and cheering you on, considering my stand on OTM. BUT… on your Tw@tter page, you state "Daniels will be #closed between #Christmas and New Year as usual, and we encourage other businesses to follow suit" So, your clients can be perfectly assured that whilst THEIR Agent (that would be YOU…) is not going to be open like others – who will be responding to emails; answering phone calls; greeting visitors; arranging viewings and potentially negotiating sales of THEIR CLIENTS' HOMES – this is not a problem and that not one of your clients will suffer as a result. After all – your statement claims "“We have looked at the pros and cons carefully. At this time we cannot honestly say that we would be representing our clients best interests if we were to drop one of the two most prominent property portals in the UK”, so I take it that the same process was adopted to reach the decision not to open during the Christmas/New Year period? I would hate to think that someone who states their Agency has "…taken the view that the risk to their clients outweighs the saving the agency would potentially make" adopted a VERY DIFFERENT VIEW when it suited them…
I wonder if THIS time you will grace us with a response – otherwise you will continue to look like a pr@t who takes pleasure in throwing lit damp squibs into crowded rooms and running off giggling.
It would be super if you would comment. I REALLY want to know did your clients mind you being SHUT when others took the decision to remain open for THEIR clients? We put two under offer, by the way…
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Brents Leading Independent Daniels Estate Agents are one the first to commit to Rightmove and Zoopla
Brents Leading Independent Daniels Estate Agents are one the first to commit to Rightmove and Zoopla
Daniels Estate Agents have become one of first independent estate agent to commit to staying with both Zoopla and Rightmove for 2015.
In recent days a number of agents have announced their intentions to drop either Zoopla or Rightmove as they intend to join a new property portal which dictates all its members either drop Zoopla or Rightmove.
On the Market plans to launch on the 26th of January 2015, and lists its primary aim to be to disrupt, what they describe as a duopoly now held by the big two Rightmove and Zoopla.
Daniels Estate Agents have taken the view that the risk to their clients outweighs the saving the agency would potentially make.
“We have looked at the pros and cons carefully. At this time we cannot honestly say that we would be representing our clients best interests if we were to drop one of the two most prominent property portals in the UK” said Francis Henry Director of Daniels Estate Agents.
Francis continued: “Whilst we support in principle the idea of On the Market we are not willing to expose our clients to the risk of under exposing their properties to the housing market. Which we further believe could result in our vendors losing substantial sums in property transactions.”
Daniels Estate Agents are Brent’s leading independent estate agents with four offices strategically located across the borough in Wembley, Sudbury, Kensal Rise and Neasden.
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i have posted the full text of the post, I am real and believe what I said to be true, my area my well be different to your area. It is a pity we do not get alerts for comments on this site
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Yeah… whatever. Reads like you swallowed an SEO manual. So, Mr henry – if you are real then you can address my post properly and answer my question.
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Perhaps Me Henry can also answer why he states that he can sign up to Agents Mutual when he wants but at the same time has "committed to Rightmove and Zoopla" for the whole of 2015.
Is it more the case that 1) he has signed up to RM & Z for 2015 on a discounted rate 2) as part of this deal he must promote his decision to not go with OTM all and sundry 3) possibly had to sign an NDA along with some of the other agents who have been asked to enter this agreement by Zoopla in conjunction with Rm?? Come on mr Henry fess up?
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we are a christian firm and close for Christmas, call me or email me if you wish
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Mr henry – I'm sorry but I find your response, to say the least, a cheap shot. If THAT is your trump card then you have an exceedingly poor hand and I would fold if I were you. And talking of empty hands, I refer to your abominable statement above where you say that, in your opinion, advertising your stock on OTM "…could result in our vendors losing substantial sums in property transactions." Oh, dear. So you have so little faith in your own negotiating skills as Estate Agents that buyers will get cheaper houses because of WHERE you advertise? Speaks volumes. YOUR words – no-one else's, Mr henry… feel free to regret posting them.
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"“Whilst we support in principle the idea of On the Market we are not willing to expose our clients to the risk of under exposing their properties to the housing market. Which we further believe could result in our vendors losing substantial sums in property transactions.” Are you for real?
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Let's see if we get further comment from 'Francis henry' today.
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Hi I am for real, here I am
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Yawn. Same old negative OTM comments, different day. Some people really need to change the record and try to come up with something new.
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I think everybody is fed up of the for and against arguments – All just waiting for the 26th so the next round starts
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All just waiting for the 26th so the next round starts ;)…..Or we could get some of the topics out of the way now….."I don't like the design/layout" vs "what a great, user friendly grid layout"….."the advert with the drone is not very good" vs "what a brilliant, well produced and directed advert , I love it"………..Why don't we get these ones out of the way early?….and any other inevitable ones?
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Isn't it a shame that there is no practical means to ask journalists to explain what they commit to print or the internet or broadcast on TV? It seems to me that there is an impenetrable force field to protect them from ever coming face to face with the, at best anecdotal reckonings, they publish. It isn't the first time Ms. White has come out with unsubstantiated nonsense and now as some self accredited expert is simply regurgitating the reckonings of OTM's critics- presumably those who don't qualify to join or those whose portal empire is threatened by OTM.
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Name and shame I say. E-mail the articles to yourself and review them in a years time. If / when they are proved to be a load of bollox, bang them on Tw@tter, Facebook, every applicant on your mailing list etc etc etc. The same applies to politicians. Re-read some of the comments Gordon Brown made when he became PM. If it wasn't so damn depressing, it would be funny.
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I do wonder as the national press appears to be giving OTM such a hard time, could this be because if OTM becomes a great success the press will be deprived of even more valuable advertising revenue? Newspapers can surely only view portals as a threat to their future as they deprive them of revenue as many agents see the current Duopoly as a threat to their futures and livelihoods.
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Thanks to the Daily Mail for the article?!
I wonder if they have an interest in looking after the portal that will be affected the most – Zoopla…
and I wonder if in the article (which i refuse to read) they remind the readers that DAILY MAIL AND GENERAL TRUST own Zoopla
AND i wonder if the Guardian article mentioned that thinkproperty was bought from them by Zoopla – and disclosed any continuing links that the Guardian Media Group still have with Zoopla.
I'm guessing probably not – but then who are we as agents trying to provide a service to the public to ask about the scruples of national papers !
On The Market WILL work and lets not forget Zoopla only came on the scene in 2008ish and there was no public outcry to have to look on two sites !
bye bye Zoopla
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*What a complete joke!!! Ruddy agents!*
I quote, "who are we as agents trying to provide a service to the public…". Err no! Agents are running a "business", just like RM, and just like Zoopla. Lets agree on one thing… agents are not charities, they are in it to earn some money, as are the named portals. OTM has NOT been created for the good of the "public" as you put it, but for agents (businesses), to try and save some cash, and have control of the industry. It has nothing whatsoever in providing what is best for the public!!!!!! Risking lower visibility, which leads to less interest and in turn potentially lower price. Ruddy estate agents… reputation going even further down the pan than is was. Anyone would think AM are encouraging on-line estate agents among the public. They are not my person preference, but if anything, I'm more likely to consider them than ever thanks to AM and those selfish agents that support it.
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