Private rented sector landlords continue to be battered from all quarters

Welcome to the November edition of the  “Landlords Barometer” where I highlight the trending topics and news from the Property Tribes forum.

Private rented sector landlords continue to be battered from all quarters as the second national lock-down sets in.

Here are the most viewed topics of the past month:

1.  Capital gains tax to be doubled?

Well, the government have to find some way of paying for the Covid19 support measures, so who better than property owners?!

2. How do portfolio landlords survive?

Over 140 responses to this question about how portfolio landlords can survive with such strict lending criteria.

3.  Samuel Leeds interviewed under police caution

Samuel Leeds’ harassment and malicious communications campaign against me started up again in July 2020.  Here’s my response where I fact-check his lies.

4.  2021 house price predictions – crashes ahoy?

Property analyst, Kate Faulkner, ignited a trending topic with her round up of property price predictions for 2021.

5. A deep dive into the London property market

What happens in London very often filters out in ripples, so this deep dive zoom call was a popular interview with another landlord with two decades of investing in the capital.

6.  Is BTL past its prime?

What it says on the tin!  Over 100 comments.

7.  Jasmine’s Law – end to “no pets” clauses

Unsurprisingly, this created a robust discussion – some landlords for this, many against (based on experiences of pets in rentals that did not end well).

8.  Why zero interest in my beautiful flat?

A London Landlord wants to know why prospective tenants have dropped off a cliff.

Video of the Month:

Interview with Sykes Holiday Cottages about the holiday lets scene

We take a deep dive into the world of holiday lets post-Covid19 to see why the sector is flourishing, and likely to continue to do so.

Property Tribes news:

Property Tribes has been pleased to welcome two new commercial
partners last month who join our growing “eco-system” of trusted products and services for landlords:

CubicLease digital tenant referencing service

Welcoming PropertyLoop – London rentals tech



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