OnTheMarket to showcase recent success in a bid to attract new investors

Jason Tebb

OnTheMarket’s Jason Tebb and Clive Beattie will be keynote speakers on Thursday as part of the company’s annual strategy presentation to staff and investors.

CEO Jason Tebb and Clive Beattie, CFO, will provide a live presentation relating to full-year results to 31 January 2021 via the Investor Meet Company platform on 17 June 2021 at 6om.

The presentation is open to all existing and potential shareholders. Questions can be submitted pre-event via your Investor Meet Company dashboard up until 9am the day before the meeting or at any time during the live presentation.

Investors can sign up to Investor Meet Company for free and add to meet OnTheMarket plc by clicking here.

Investors who already follow OnTheMarket plc on the Investor Meet Company platform will automatically be invited.

OnTheMarket announced last week that it had increased its revenues by 22% in the year ended 31st January 2021 and recorded a profit of £2.4m for the first time, up £11.6m on the previous year.

The portal has also made a positive start to FY22 with current trading in line with the Board’s expectations.


OnTheMarket post a profit for the first time


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  1. AlwaysAnAgent

    The Investor Meets Company platform is used by 100s of PLCs. Good move by Jason Tebb to choose a modern way of communicating with investors.

    It is worth watching OTM’s presentation if you haven’t already seen it. IMC is free for investors and it is similar to a Zoom webinar only better.


    1. Hillofwad71

      Yes  another example of Jason making himself  more accessible .
      Maybe Garvey the invisible man at Bricks ought to take a leaf out of his book I guess he will need to don a helmet .
        My own experince with the platform is that the company gets to choose the questions  if asked in advance,   so can take on the softball ones served up by supporters  and ignore the more difficult ones.
         So really depends on the individual  company . I’m sure  that will not be the case with Jason.

  2. TopBanana

    Interesting. When you spend half as much on tech and a fraction of your previous marketing spend, of course your bottom line will look better. That’s what’s happened here. But not investing in those things is unsustainable longer term and is tantamount to cooking the books to just make things look better for new investors!

  3. Bless You

    Congrats on the market…your doing a great job..


    P.s. Rightmove just increased their basic sub to +£200 a month..


    Also give connells 80% of featured properties..


    Well done.

  4. biffabear

    I like OTM but they need to balance what everyone is paying. I was recently fixed at £400pm. When I realised that a lot of people were free and the payers were paying from £100 i got fobbed off by the rep. Telling me I should pay more as I have shares.

    Uh hum. I have shares becuase I part funded the start up.


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