OnTheMarket makes another big hitter appointment as it gets closer to stock market float

OnTheMarket has announced the appointment of Ian Francis to its board as non-executive director, as the company prepares for its IPO on AIM.

Francis was a senior audit partner with Ernst & Young, and has also had roles as non-executive director at Paysafe and Umeme.

OnTheMarket is to offer a minority stake to investors as part of its proposed IPO, with the objective of raising £50m to grow the portal.

It recently announced the appointment of City big hitter Chris Bell as its new non-executive chairman.


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  1. AnotherPlanet365

    It’s like watching paint dry

    OTM stumbling along, mumbling incoherently

    What next, Springett dressed as Santa handing out sweeties

    A great opportunity missed, OTM is the Christmas Party Guest that no one wants anymore


  2. WelshWatcher

    Yes you are on Another Planet as you like to call yourself.  Maybe go back to “zzzzzzzzzzz” you might wake up with a happier outlook.

    1. AnotherPlanet365

      As a GOLD Member, who has forcibly been locked into this charade it’s no wonder I’m NOT happy WelshWatcher
      I can make any comment I like about this charade because I supported this fiasco from DAY 1
      Remind me, where is the Happiness in this ridiculous charade where members who want to leave are legally prevented from doing so.
      I was conned from DAY 1, I have every right to be UNHAPPY!!!!!!!!

    2. 1stTimeBuyer

      Clearly Welsh is missing some vital on the ground facts about his beloved OTM.  Good news for his competitors I suggest. 🙂

  3. GPL

    Agreed AP365. WelshWatcher must be on AnotherPlanet.

    All I want for Christmas is to be released from this grinding nightmare where I pay monthly to be part of a company which I have Zero interest in, unfortunately, also as a Day One Gold Member I too am held against my will.

    Those 600 plus Leavers mentioned previously far outweigh any recent joiners. I can’t imagine the sweetners given to joiners and what’s worse is that they will most likely be paying much less than me and have not contributed the thousands of pounds that I have from Day One.

    It’s a monumentally unfunny comedy WelshWatcher, unfortunately I have been locked into the venue, tied into my seat and my pockets are rifled monthly.

    Best not to get me started!



    1. mark_one

      Totally agree GPL.  New joiners able to pay less than me and able to list on all 3, whereby I could not and yet I helped finance OTM at the start. Roll on 2 years when I can leave OTM and hopefully sell my shares for a profit or at least get my money back.

      1. PeeBee

        “New joiners able to pay less than me and able to list on all 3, whereby I could not and yet I helped finance OTM at the start.”

        Why not?, mark_one – as I said in the comments in yesterday’s article, Henry Adams are now listing on all 3 portals.

        Seems to many that OTM have p!$$ed all over the Contract you entered into and faithfully kept your part of.

        1. mark_one

          Henry Adams have probably signed a new 5 year contract with OTM and I have not, so am bound by original contract till Jan 19. Say I did list with all 3 which to be honest I dont want to. Would it give them grounds not to give me share allocation for breach of contract.

          1. mark_one

            Ideally they could just give me my money back and let me go. This was not what I signed up to.

  4. smile please

    When will somebody swot this irritating fly (OTM).


    1. GPL

      smile please

      I understand a large Leavers queue has gathered at the gates so we’ll see whether they bother waiting for their Departure Date. The grapevine says departures already however Springett HQ keeping a Lid on Leavers as he hawks his begging bowl to Rose Tinted Investors who should beware of the outcome of previous promises made and the actual outcome we have witnessed. The fact that he is handing out rose tinted specs should be a clue to investors.

      Having spoken to a number of Remainers they are perplexed that OTM is forcing Leavers to stay with the whole Negative effect ….and on a clearly unfair 2 Tier OOP versus Multiple Portal  Options for Remainers or New. I still can’t fathom the legal basis for that and the moral one is glaringly obvious – let Leavers go as they will make much more noise being forcibly locked in against their will.

      It’s a shabby situation that says a great deal about the original motives however Scrooge Springett chooses not to see what the future has in store for him. Best that he settle down with Alastair Sim and look in the mirror.

      In the meantime Zoopla are scooping up merrily in the vacuum of the deafening OTM Silent Marketing Campaign run from the LaLaLand Bunker which has rose tinted windows!

      I can see the OTM relaunch now, Presidents Trump & Springett landing in Rose Tinted One, descending the stairs, the press gathered, cameras flashing – the handshakes, backslapping and President Trump commanding President Springett “It’ll be the Best Ever!” ….then the Secret Service bolt forward and force President Trump to the ground whilst President Springett gets pelted with Former Member Badges!

      The only certain thing is the Leavers are leaving.

    2. 1stTimeBuyer

      As to the slow agonizing death which is currently #offthemarket.  It’s a company clearly going backwards at pace, loosing it seems, agents by the day and I expect next to zero new sign ups.  The IPO is going to be a disaster.  Who in their right mind as an invester for profit would buy OTM shares, especially when can have RM or ZPG?!!!


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