OnTheMarket brand awareness leaps almost a third as more searchers tap it into Google

OnTheMarket has raised its brand ‘health’ – measured by Google searches – by 31%.

In contrast, although Rightmove remains the best known of over 200 property businesses, it has actually dropped 6% in searches, labelled in a new report as ‘brand demand’ or ‘brand health’.

Zoopla has also dropped, by 11%.

The findings are in the report by digital marketing agency MediaVision, which analysed Google search figures across residential, commercial, online firms and portals, and compared their performances with 12 months previously.

MediaVision observes: “OnTheMarket has become a major competitor to property portals Zoopla and Rightmove, which both slipped with a decreasing brand demand.

“The big portals are still far ahead in terms of volume but there is no doubting OnTheMarket’s trajectory.”

However, despite greater brand awareness of OTM, its share price trajectory has gone down, with the shares ending at just 99p yesterday.

According to the MediaVision report, Purplebricks also piled on brand demand, by 18%, while London estate agent Dexters increased brand demand by 6% to become second behind only Savills, and above both Knight Frank and Foxtons.

In 2016 Dexters shed 20 different brands to become a single entity with over 70 branches across London.

The strategy now seems to have paid off – and could have implications for other companies which trade under different brands.

Emoov, currently in administration, was another strong performer, increasing brand demand by 47%.

The research found that the overall property market was down year on year, with pockets of stellar performance.

Topping the residential agents league table for brand demand is Savills – despite a drop of 13%.

Second is Dexters, followed by Knight Frank in third place despite a drop of 11%, Foxtons with a 17% fall, Strutt & Parker down 14%, and haart in sixth place with a fall of 21%.

Altogether there are 152 estate agency brands in the league table, with some surprises in the listings. For example, Marsh & Parsons makes only 108th place.

Savills, Dexters and Knight Frank are in the same first, second and third order in commercial brands, with flexible office space provider WeWork in fourth place after a massive jump of 58% in brand demand.

In the league table of portals, Rightmove is top, followed by Zoopla, PrimeLocation – down 14% in brand demand – and OnTheMarket in fourth place.

Online agents are ranked with Purplebricks first, Tepilo and then Emoov.

The overall property league tables show Rightmove at the top, followed by Zoopla, Purplebricks, Primelocation, Savills, Dexters and in seventh place OnTheMarket. Next comes Knight Frank, followed by Foxtons, and WeWork in tenth place.

Altogether there are 214 firms in the ‘brand’ health listings, with again some surprising findings.

For example, Victorstone bucked the trend of most London estate agents by piling on 121% in brand searches, as did Ludlow Thompson which increased by 66%.

However, Harrods Estates lost 26% of its previous brand health.

MediaVision CEO Louis Ventner said that the new study shows “a lot of demand exit the market”.

He said: “Searches for office space and residential property are down year on year, which is a sign of a tough market.

“Predominantly, there’s a reduction in demand for the biggest property brands across the board.”

The report was compiled on the basis of search volume measure in September this year, compared with September last year.

You can sign up to access the full report here:



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  1. ArthurHouse02

    Prime Location in 4th???? WeWork…never even heard of them

    1. AJP123

      Crazy isn’t it, and exactly what I thought! In a world now where brand awareness is less important than call to action advertising this still shocked me.

      How is this spun positively? After all the jingle tv ads, premier league radio ads, glossy London magazine ads, OTM is nearly as well known as the portal that most forgot… least it’s free

      1. Bless You

        tick tock tick tock it is near your time …hallowed be thy name. .. when the bell begins to chime…. 
        february in  it? 

  2. carl warden

    Good news. This shows that agents are getting more behind driving OTM. Exclusive listing for 48 hours are making people look at OTM portal first and that’s extremely important if we want to address the stranglehold Right Move CURRENTLY enjoy!

    1. P-Daddy

      The headline on this report proves that buyers and renters will follow the stock. OTM has a long way to go, but we must remember, in terms of maturity of business, it is still the newest compared to Rightmove and Zoopla, but there is no place for complacency. There is a long way to go and the real change will happen when the corporates swallow their pride and decide to reduce costs on the bottom line.

      I do feel this is a London centric report though..no one outside the M25 would have Dexters, Foxtons Savills and KF on top of the leaderboard

  3. cyberduck46

    Link not working for me.


    I expect OnThe Market have increased their searches 31% from 100 to 131.


    Rightmove down 6% from 1,000,000 to 940,000.


    Just kidding. Useless information without the actual search volumes.


    Emoov up 47%. Says it all really.





    1. GPL


      Useless Information cyberduck…..


      Yes, just like Purplebricks ….with no “actual properties sold” stats!


      It’s not hard to manipulate to suit one’s motives.





    2. dwell

      Based on monthly UK search queries of the below keywords over at semrush:


      Rightmove: 11.1m

      Zoopla: 2.74m

      On The Market: 165k


      Volume is listed as, “The average number of monthly searches for a given keyword over a 12-month period”

  4. smile please

    OTM share price at a quid now

  5. Ric

    99p….. 99p….. Hold on…. I got told my shares were a dead cert on The Springett Roadshow….. *Ric calls off the retirement party*

  6. JonnyBanana43

    It’s working well for some of us…

    As I’ve said before, “new & exclusive” is the key to OTM success. The savvy punters realise this and are signing up in droves, particularly the London buyers

    Who is Zoopla anyway?

    1. AJP123

      How does the London buyer market help you in York again? 

      1. JonnyBanana43

        Errrm. “The London buyer” is the clue here.

        Buyers from London – which, post Brexit vote, we have A LOT of…across North Yorkshire, less so in East Yorkshire.

        Or am I an OTM rep in disguise? Or a hybrid agent working from my dining room near Middlesbrough? Perhaps I’m Santa Claus.

        Anyways. Happy Christmas to all you OTM haters. You don’t need to be part of it. All I can state is my own findings. OTM works for me. If you’re an quality residential sales agent you should try it before abusing it.

        1. El Burro

          I’ve been saying that for ages JB, why do people who aren’t on/don’t like OTM and think it’s a waste of space give a monkeys about those of us who  see it as an opportunity . . .unless of course you are a Zoopla rep.

          If I thought one of my competitor’s marketing streams was complete tosh I certainly wouldn’t be constantly advising him or her not to chuck their money down the loo, in fact I’d flush it for them!


  7. GPL


    Yip, the Loan my Company gave OTM V1 ……which OTM forcibly converted into Shares when we Voted NO to OTM V2…….

    OTM have successfully lost us (and everyone else in the same position) almost 50% of Our Money!

    Versus Ian Springett’s predicted OTM V2 Launch of £5 per Share ……we currently stand at 99p a Share?!

    Merry OTM Christmas…. anyone ……anyone?



    1. JonnyBanana43

      Do you know what price the shares were converted at? I bet you’ve actually made money, even at 99p. 

      1. JonnyBanana43

        Forgot to ask, are you a Gold member? 

        1. GPL

          Yes, Gold Member!
          £3000 Loan is currently worth less than £1880 in OTM Shares!!!
          Our Loan should have simply been returned, handshakes all round and Cheerio!
          However, the “stitch-up” scenario played out instead!
          Now excuse me, this Honest Man is off to spend some of his Honestly Hard Earned Money!

          1. GPL



            and another circa £5000 we pay until we are unshackled in Feb 2020!

            Thing is, if they had let Leavers Leave, then proved their worth, many Leavers would have most probably happily rejoined.

            OTM isn’t just for Christmas ……it’s the Gift that keeps on Charging!



  8. GPL

    Whilst on Hols yesterday myself and my Good Lady went to see “A Muppets Christmas Carol”  at the GFT in Glasgow. Small/Atmospheric Cinema originating from the 1930’s – highly recommended!  
    Anyhow…… Ebenezer Springett was there, Christmas Past – £5 per Share, Christmas Present – 99p per Share and Christmas Future ……only Chas n’ Dave know!
    Today…… Mackintosh at The Willow Tearoom for Breakfast, then Princes Square etc for Retail Therapy – Looking thru the Shop Windows at what we might have afforded if Ebenezer Springett had come good on his £5 per share promise! …….the Lego Shop (have you seen the prices of some of that Lego!!!) …….then rounded off tonight back at the GFT for The Bishop’s Wife.
    There is some Christmas Cheer after all!    

    1. smile please

      My lad wanted a lego millennium falcon …… £600! And they say estate agents fees are high!

      1. GPL


        Take a photo SP and tell him that when he’s grown up (do we ever?!) he will hopefully be old/daft/wealthy enough to buy The Lego Millennium….. it does look spankin’ however I may not live long enough to assemble it!

        1. smile please

          Is it wrong despite the price I myself wanted it?!

  9. J1

    Purplepr….s may be the first agent (fake agent) to actually go on their own and ditch Rightmove – I would not be surprised.

    OTM well     3 x 1 is still only 3.

    Imagine if they had not spent two years in court and their war chest on legal fees where it could have been as the mutual it started out as – a lost opportunity for many and a share price reflective of the genuine sentiment felt by many for the leaders of a failed experiment.

    1. Only saying but

      …..how would that work? All those sellers who signed up for cheap access to Rightmove have contracts that won’t allow Purplebricks to drop Rightmove even if they wanted to.

      1. J1

        I am not sure any agents’ terms would specify a particular portal would they?

  10. Anthonyw

    This is utter rubbish. Firstly they are comparing this September with the previous year’s September search results. No researcher worth their salt would publish findings (of such importance) as an accurate picture of this by comparing a month in a whole year. They should instead be analysing a year by year comparison as this would give a more accurate picture.

    Lots has happened throughout the year in terms of news, for example the search for OTM, Emoov or Purplebricks might be because they have been in the news a lot because there are major things going on with all of them. It is NOT our clients searching for them and that is what we really need to know.

    Additionally, no one searches for RM if they want to find property for sale, if they already know the name rightmove why then would they search for it – they already know the name so they would visit the website, same with the others OTM, Z.

    Searching for OTM for example doesn’t mean it is a person searching for a property to buy, it might be a whole bunch of media people looking for the latest news on OTM.

    We need deeper insights and stats than this sort of ridiculous offering. We need to know once and for all the truth behind the stats and not how Google presents them. I have had my eyes opened by how misleading for example Google analytics are.


    1. HIT MAN

      all the leads agents get from RM doesn’t mean the prospects didnt look at the other portals. I monitor where my email and phone call leads come from and when I ask the question have they looked on OTM and Z most say they looked on them first and just made the enquiry from the last search because the same property was on all. So if the property wasn’t on RM they would make the enquiry through the portal that they found the property on. Does this mean that most look at all three portals and is it worth having all three?

      1. Anthonyw

        A lady I spoke to said she reverted to Google after viewing many portals because she wanted specific features in a property that were not listed on any of them as search criteria. I believe they look at all portals and other sites too.

        1. HIT MAN

          So why don’t all agents just drop RM and stop moaning about the fees?

  11. AgentV

    Happy new year everyone!

  12. smile please

    0.91p a share now! – Where are the £5.00 ones promised?


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