Agent sponsors crowdfunded Formula One car

London agents MyLondonHome sponsored a very special car at yesterday’s Formula One Grand Prix in Abu Dhabi.

The firm’s logo appeared on either side of the top of the Caterham F1 car.

The vehicle, driven by 23-year-old British driver Will Stevens making his debut on the Grand Prix circuit, aroused enormous interest before the race because of a crowdfunding initiative by cash-strapped Caterham.

Earlier this month, it launched a crowdfunding project to try to raise the £2.35m needed to get the car on to the grid for the final race of the season.

Fans piled in to the rescue, raising over £2.25m – 95% of the target – by Saturday, the day before the race.

A number of backers simply donated what they could afford – £1 or more. Others sponsored everything from wheel nuts at £75 each to front wing flaps at £175, to their logos on the car at £5,000 to £10,000 a throw.

MyLondonHome CEO Steven Herd said: “The opportunity to be a part of something as large scale and dynamic as a Formula 1 race was something we couldn’t miss out on.

“We were delighted that our sponsorship contributed to Caterham competing in Abu Dhabi and ultimately completing their racing season.

“There’s also nothing cooler than seeing your logo on the side of a very, very fast car.”

Never was there a better example of the sport motif “it’s not the winning that counts but the taking part”.

Caterham did take part, against all the odds, and came in last.

F1 caterham 2


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