Letting agents urged to get to grips with repairs before October deadline

Letting agents are getting better at managing repairs in rental properties.

However, some agents risk losing landlords to their competitors if they have poor repair management processes.

The report, by repairs reporting software firm Fixflo with the support of ARLA, surveyed 250 letting agents with 750 branches between them.

The report added in data from more than 70,000 repairs handled through the Fixflo system.

The results show both threats and opportunities for letting agents.

Key findings are:

  • 85% of repairs are completed within a week
  • 46% of property managers know a landlord who has switched agency due to a repair related issue
  • On average each property requires three repairs per year
  • On average each repair takes 90 minutes of staff time to resolve
  • One third of repairs are reported out of hours
  • Repair requests in Polish outnumber those for the next four languages combined

Rajeev Nayyar, managing director of Fixflo, warned of impending changes to the law which will make it incumbent on landlords and agents to respond quickly to tenants who complain about disrepair in a property, or risk losing the ability to reclaim the property.

Nayyar said: “With fundamental changes to the repairs process taking effect for new tenancies in England from October 1, time is running out for agencies and landlords to get robust repairs processes in place.

“Agencies that fail to comply with the requirements could face both financial and reputational damage.”


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  1. Will

    Sorry, but this article sounds like an advert to me.


    1. MF

      It’s a GREAT advert for Fixflo, but at the same time I think it is relevant given the changes from October.

  2. Trevor Mealham

    70,000 repairs through a prop tech platform is:

    1: quite an achievement

    2: great market intel as the article highlights that the software brings to light opportunities and risks for agents

    3: so what if Rajeev gets a little kudos in the industry. He works hard and is passionate about what he does. With his legal background + great tech, this can only be a plus product for agents in view of legislation changes coming.

  3. realpundit

    Good people producing good results for agents.

    There aren’t many people genuinely batting for the small agency owner.

    ARLA would do well to promote the opinions of someone as hard-working as Rajeev.

    If anything, he is effective. As is Fixflo.

    Come October, do you want to retrain all your staff? Or just use Fixflo?


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