Key date unveiled for vendors wanting to sell by Christmas

For those of you with prospective clients that wish to sell their current property with a view to potentially celebrating Christmas in a new home, they quite simply have got no time to waste.

According to estateagent4me, those wanting to sell by Christmas will need to list their homes for sale by Thursday 20th October.

Analysis by the estate agent comparison website, based on activity over the past six years, shows that properties listed in October take an average of 64 days to sell.

On average since 2015, properties in the UK have stayed on the market for 58 to 73 days. Despite the uncertainty caused by the pandemic, the data shows the average length of time to sell a property has remained relatively constant over the past six years.

Overall the speed of sale was slower last year because of the slowdown caused by the pandemic between April and July but the speed of sale accelerated towards the end of 2020 once the housing market reopened and the time-limited stamp duty holiday was introduced.

The New Year remains the best time to list your property for a speedy sale, with homes listed in January selling the fastest.

Reflecting on the research, Paula Higgins, chief executive of HomeOwners Alliance, which runs the estateagent4me website, said: “2021 has been a chaotic year for buying and selling homes. The rush to buy before the end of the stamp duty holiday deadline in June congested and slowed the home buying process. This wasn’t helped by the pingdemic which caused further disruption across the sector.

“Thankfully, this Autumn will see things return to normal for home movers. Looking back on six years of data, we can see that if you want to sell by Christmas, then you need to get on and do so before 20 October.”


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    Sell by Christmas, yes

    Move by Christmas…. I’d say unlikely if you’re listing on October 20th.

    Never say never though ; )

  2. PeeBee

    “those wanting to sell by Christmas will need to list their homes for sale by Thursday 20th October.”

    Only slightly different from the MDT spouted earlier this week by that online dating website, GetAGent, then:

    “Between January and June of this year, the average property was taking 320 days to sell”

    I think we all know the accuracy of both claims.  Mr Short would be well advised to stick to dating and Ms Higgins needs to stick to… whatever it is she does… instead of rushing to put their names to any old b******s that some numpty convinces them is good PR.

  3. Snyper

    Sell by Christmas sure, there’s every chance it’ll sell within a week. Move though? Incredibly unlikely from the average transaction time I’ve seen this year!

    1. PeeBee

      And what time is that, Snyper?  My guess would be somewhere between the two claims – of 65 days at one end of a ridiculous scale and 320 to the other…


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