Bank asks agents: What do you think of OnTheMarket?

Analysts at investment bank Morgan Stanley are asking estate agents to help them in their research into online property portals.

It is specifically looking into agents’ use of Rightmove, Zoopla and OnTheMarket, including whether agents are considering cancelling their contracts with OnTheMarket.

Its survey does not explain to agents why it is being carried out. However, it would appear to be based on an upcoming report about Rightmove to investors. But many of its questions seem centred around OTM.

And some of its questions seem rather strange.

For example, it asks agents how long they have been using OTM, giving them a range of response from under six months to over five years.

Yet OTM did not launch until the end of January and is less then ten months old.

It also asks what time of the year agents “normally” negotiate prices with OTM and whether agents are anticipating OTM to hike prices next year and if so by how much.

Among other questions asked are whether, if the agent is subscribed to OTM and Rightmove, it previously subscribed to Zoopla and if so, why did it cancel Zoopla and not Rightmove.

It also asks what impact dropping Zoopla has had on the agent, and whether the cancellation was because of the one other portal rule.

The survey asks agents what proportion of leads come from “online property portal” [sic], and whether customers specifically request that their property is listed on Zoopla, OTM and Rightmove.

It asks how satisfied agents are with the portals they are currently subscribed to, and asks agents to rate OTM as to whether it is better than expectation, as expected or below expectation.

It is also keen to know whether OTM agents are likely to cancel their subscriptions to it.

Particularly detailed questions ask agents how they allocate their marketing budgets both now and in the future.

The bank last did a survey a year ago, resulting in an assessment of Rightmove aimed at investors.

Last year’s note to investors said: “We think the fears around Agents’ Mutual and a slowdown in property are overdone.”

It added: “We would view Agents’ Mutual as a non-issue if it weren’t for the exclusivity clause.”

It concluded that Rightmove would go ahead with price increases.

Last year’s report, based on responses from 169 agents, forecast that agency churn would mainly be borne by Zoopla, but added: “We think agent economics support the shared Rightmove/Zoopla market model.”

Last year’s report also argued that virtual agent Purplebricks, charging a fixed fee, was “much more economical than a bricks-and-mortar agent”.


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  1. Ric

    Sounds like a survey your average know nothing banker has put together…..

    1. Ric

      damn spell check….. 😉

    2. Ric

      Hey up, we have a banker reading EYE – no need to dislike though, nasty pasty 😉

      1. Ric

        arrggh not again………

  2. marcH

    Can I suggest that all OTM supporters boycott this insidious, ignorant and sneaky little questionnaire? If approached, we would certainly tell them where to get off – why co-operate with anything to do with Wrongmove?

    1. Disillusioned

      Based on the thought and effort that has gone into the questions, id be tempted not to send it back (altho it wont be sent to me!) On the other hand, if every agent replied they were committed to OTM, had no thoughts to return to Z and at some point were hell bent on pulling off R, that would do OTM’s cause no harm at all when the results are released.

      1. Ric

        Completely agree.

        In a way OTM agents should go out of their way to answer this, otherwise a boycott would lead to the headline conclusion:

        OTM is no threat: as 98% of respondents to our survey say they would remain on RM/Z as opposed to OTM.

        (What they will not say is OTM boycotted this) My view would be if an OTM member gets this, they answer remembering why they signed up.

  3. Chrispy

    Nice childish comment March, do you think this is the only research they’ll be doing?

  4. Robert May

    Morgan Stanley obviously have a very clear understanding of the landscape( NOT!)  All I can think of is a student who has dossed about a bit for the full  2 years of sixth form and has  both coursework  complete and exams to cram.

    Even to be asking the questions shows they are out of touch by a full 3 years, it is simply embarrassing.  Here is the précis;  Zoopla have alienated almost an entire industry with their high handed tech wins all approach to the paying customers, that business is shot, a spent force likely to implode. Rightmove is a  vulnerable legacy system that charges too much  and is only being tolerated for the solidity of its core product. It’s weaknesses are now understood and their dominance very much weakened. On the market has work to do, it needs to understand what. There are then at least 3 other options Morgan Stanley are not seemingly even aware of.

    If this was a bit of homework I would mark it; fail, pay attention to what is going on, you need to catch up fast!!!

    1. PeeBee

      Yes, Robert – it’s a bit like one of the countless idiotic Dissertation questionnaires I have had the displeasure of having my eyes and intelligence insulted with over the years, where the numpty aiming for a scrape-through pads out his/her ******** with a pie-chart or two for effect, based upon the answer spread to brain-achers like:

      Q.  How important a role does a brick play in the construction of a traditional brick-built house?

      1. Very relevant.  2. Not very relevant.  3. Don’t know – this is not my area of expertise.

      Worst thing – some eejit is paying for this.

      Erm… hang on – that would seemingly be me.  And most of those reading, I guess…

    2. Digital Expert

      “Zoopla have alienated almost an entire industry with their high handed tech wins all approach to the paying customers, that business is shot, a spent force likely to implode. Rightmove is a  vulnerable legacy system”


      Where to begin? Both Rightmove & Zoopla are stronger financially than a year ago. China situation excused, both have stronger (vastly in RM case) share price than a year ago. Both businesses proving robust and very much long term with the backing of the city and the end user.

      OTM hasn’t done a jot of damage to either business, perceivably or financially, and if you truly believe this statement, Robert (and those agreeing) then I do worry for your vision and business nous.

      All the independent bodies (City, investors, banks, consumers et all) have shown this to be true, and as time unfolds and more and more agents leave OTM, or express zero interest in joining, I hope you’ll all smell the coffee too.


      1. PeeBee

        “OTM hasn’t done a jot of damage to either business, perceivably or financially…”

        You DO realise that whatever it is you’re sniffing/swallowing/injecting is illegal – don’t you?

        1. Digital Expert

          What damage has it done Peebee?

          Traffic on both sites is up, leads sent are up, shares are up and consumers know not who OTM is.

          These are tiny factors called ‘facts’.

          1. Robert May

            Sadly  despite all of that the AM agents are continuing to sell property and proving that traffic and leads are not related to sales.

            1. Digital Expert

              Just not as many as they could be if they made full use of the best tools available to them. Shame.

      2. Robert May

        Are you and all of the City investors aware of the full picture  of what is happening or are you simply hanging on  what is being put out by Rightmove and Zoopla and those with a connected interest in their prosperity?

        You can be as smart and dismissive as you like but some people  posting on here have a far more in depth knowledge and 1st hand experience of the landscape than you are demonstrating.

        Best you ask VW how quickly share price can be eroded when stuff that is a secret isn’t a secret any more.This time last week things were good, not so now!

        There will be people very nervous about you engaging  in dialogue with me on this.

        1. Digital Expert

          I speak from experience, and don’t tow any party line, I can just look at this objectively – no matter how the tale is spun, OTM is a niche folly project by a few premium agents (who, by the way don’t even need to be on a portal such is the size of Saville’s, Knight Franks’, et als business) but the real story is that of the more vulnerable independents who followed blindly into the wake

          “Yes, but the principle!”

          Principles don’t sell houses, attract millions of eyeballs. This is business.

          It doesn’t serve the majority of the members (Country Life?!) and it certainly doesn’t serve the vendors whose agents have tied themselves onto a Titanic. It makes headlines, but it’s sinking.

          1. Robert May

            ??? who, when and what are you quoting?  There is little point in having a discussion if you are going to throw in random quotes and then discuss that rather than the points made in order to make  weak cliché points of your own.

            26% of the industry isn’t a niche, it is a  large and influential chunk, about 4 or 5 times larger than anything else that speaks  with one agency voice,  26% of anything gets listened to!

            Give over with the ‘vulnerable independent’ bit, for as long as I have been in the industry  independent agents have proved to be more robust, resilient and smarter than all of the corporate cleverness that has predicted their demise.

            Unfortunately all of your experience doesn’t count for anything; posting anonymously nothing you post can be verified.

            1. Digital Expert

              I’m quoting every agent I have spoken to who has joined OTM – Principle! Because it makes zero business sense. Hence, those that overlook national and international business are saying it is a non threat and diminishing at that.

              Yes, 26% and falling. And every one of that 26% are on either RM or Zoopla, and this is where they get all their leads. If they were only on OTM, they’d be in trouble. But don’t take my word for it – why not try it? We know it isn’t delivering, and hasn’t got any real hope of gaining traction. People will only support charity for so long….this is business, not politics and OTM is springetting leaks.

              Look, business can be run on a shoe string, but not one with such weighty promises, such massive overheads and a spotlight on them. And especially not one competing against better businesses with national presence and vastly more investment where it counts – development and advertising.

            2. Digital Expert

              Also – posting anonymously like almost everyone here. My name is an irrelevance, but my points are valid and you know it.

              1. Robert May

                What would be a good demonstration of the power of Agents Mutual?  What do you think Agent Mutual  could do to send a very clear message to the portals and fence sitters of their power and influence?


                You are using some fairly desperate rhetoric and schoolboy insults, sorry none of that washes. OTM isn’t a charity, it isn’t being run on a shoestring. My business is run on a shoestring but as I am proving wit experience and hard work  is delivering demonstrable results that are attracting a unanimously positive reaction.

                Zoopla is not a better business, Rightmove is but it has the problem of not being able to escape legacy.  By failing to pay any regard to the income source you are dismissing a vital business fact. Rightmove and Zoopla rely on Agents for their income. OTM rely on themselves.

                Your points would be valid if  you didn’t have the luxury of being able to make them up or running away from them when proven wrong.


                1. Digital Expert

                  I’m not running away from anything, Robert. Please see below:

                  1. By every available measure, Zoopla is indeed a better business than OTM. Where can you state otherwise?

                  2. Your business isn’t focused on toppling Savilles, or someone of similar standing, which is the equivalent of what OTM claim to be able to do by toppling either of the other two – and they’re getting further and further away….

                  3. Righmove have improved share price, profits, lead levels and advertising since the launch of OTM. Can OTM claim this has been a success?

                  4. All of the above is factually correct.

                  I’m neither making things up, or running Robert. I thought I was supposed to be nervous about engaging in dialogue with you?

                  1. Robert May

                    I didn’t say you are running away but  you have the luxury of being able to do so without comeback.

                    Again  unless you are one of  a handful of people with an awful lot to lose you shouldn’t be nervous about a general discussion ion the subject of what is right and what is wrong.

                    1. Digital Expert

                      Without this getting too petty, you did:

                      “Your points would be valid if  you didn’t have the luxury of being able to make them up or running away from them when proven wrong”

                      As someone who works in the industry loyal to neither Z or RM, I feel it’s voices like mine that this forum needs, other wise it’s 7 OTM agents and a couple of reps making the same point over several months. What’s right or wrong? Not for any of us to decide, but agents customers surely play a big part, and all of them use Z & RM for months before they get to you…

                2. Digital Expert

                  Oh, a good demo of power (lol) would be for OTM to demand all their members put their money where their mouths are and come off the ‘one other’ portal they remain loyal to to gain leads.

                  It won’t happen because a) it’d be a cartel b) it’d be suicide.

                  1. PeeBee

                    “…I feel it’s voices like mine that this forum needs…”

                    I would have to hazard a guess that you are in the minority if you sincerely believe that statement.

                    But your ‘self belief’ is hardly up for question here – is it?  You are too busy questioning the belief of many, many others because it doesn’t suit your agenda.

                    You state you are “…someone who works in the industry…” yet you have NO views whatsoever to offer on ANY OTHER of the multitude of issues within the industry – which I find strange to say the least.

                    However, the second that Z or RM feature (however loosely) in an article you’re there humping at their legs like a randy Shih Tzu and simply can’t take your mind off anything else other than reaching self satisfaction at the earliest opportunity with blatant disregard of the needs of others.

                    Meanwhile – on the real world – we are selling and renting just like before.  Unfortunately for you and your beliefs, the best bits of life as we knew it pre 26/1/15 is still happening.  I understand how much that hurts you to read it – but it is factually correct – and you seem to like things that are said to be factually correct.

                    You just won’t like – or accept – that fact.

                    1. Digital Expert

                      I read PIE most days. I read all the articles. All the other articles are based around press releases and are basically factual statements meant to inform the industry.

                      ALL of the OTM posts are blatant and embarrassing propaganda and 90% of the time I just laugh, but on occassion I feel the need to ***** some self serving pomposity and basic lies that are bandied around. This story was one of those times.

                      I’m sure you are still selling (if you are indeed an agent and not an OTM rep as I suspect), but if you were objective and serious about your business and your customers needs you would use the very best tools available. And if you are on OTM at the expense of one of the biggest 3 sites in the UK, you aren’t doing that.

                      To quote you, you just won’t like – or accept – that fact.


                    2. PeeBee

                      “…if you are indeed an agent and not an OTM rep as I suspect…”

                      Your suspicions are about as accurate and reliable as your “facts”, ‘Digital Expert.’

                      Even IF OTM wanted me (which I am absolutely certain they don’t – I’ve been far too much trouble to them in the past… ) – they couldn’t afford me.

                      Not that I am expensive… simply that I can’t be bought.

                      Anyway – enough of me – I’m boring.  Let’s look at you.

                      “All the other articles are based around press releases and are basically factual statements meant to inform the industry.”

                      So… you have no doubt that the eMoov and EasyProperty articles are simply factual information being spooned to us for consumption and acceptance, then?

                      The only thing more worrying about your self belief, if the belief you put in corporate billshuttery and fact-from-thin-air.

                      Oh – and sorry to be the bearer of bad news but whatever tiny shred of credibility you may have been clinging onto from others in the anti-OTM brigade I am certain will have been lost simply by ending your post with ‘x’.

                      Petty… childish… totally uncool and cringeworthy – and clear indication that you’ve lost the plot but trying to appear calm about it.

                      But of course your self-belief won’t accept any of that.

                    3. Digital Expert

                      Mr Mis-spelt Swearword discussing my maturity and credibility?


                    4. Digital Expert

                      And not one of my points challenged. Interesting.

                      Not. A. Single. One.

                    5. PeeBee

                      “Mr Mis-spelt Swearword discussing my maturity and credibility?”

                      I ain’t the one claiming or pretending to be all things mature and credible, pal.

                      I haven’t called myself ‘(insert buzz-word) Expert’.

                      I know my place in the machine.

                      I also know yours – and you’re WAAAAY overfluffing your feathers.

                      And, please note, YOU are the only one seen to be disagreeing with me.

                      I know that as well.

                      Still doesn’t make me an ‘Expert’.

                    6. Digital Expert

                      Still no counter?

                      Counter with facts or I can only assume you don’t have any.

                  2. Robert May

                    It was a question, I asked what would be a demonstration of their power and influence? I did not ask for a bad demonstration. There has to be something they can do to show how they are good without demonstrating things you and their detractors are trying to trump up as a defence against the success  so many people predicted so confidently would not happen at all  let alone to the extent it has.

                  3. GPL

                    ah…. Digital Expert?…. where do I begin with you?!


                    ….probably just start with one point where you talk about being part of our industry? ….really?!! …really?!!!!


                    If you were part of our industry you would understand that the arrival & continued presence of has demonstrated the weaknesses of The Duopoly who serve only their financial, ftse, shareholding, director/ceo profit taking masters!


                    Despite the force and aura that surrounds The Duopoly any real estate agent can now clearly see that they, The Duopoly, are NO Holy Grail… they purport to be the Holy Grail however have been exposed as a Harrods Cost Virtual Shop Window! Apart from delivering money to their masters they actually serve their paying clients with no more than a glorified property website… the real estate agency business end remains with the graft/effort of real estate agents.


                    Contrary to your nonsense re agents leaving OTM I see them joining as they recognise that OTM is a viable alternative as demonstrated by the fact that despite The Duopolys efforts…. OnTheMarket remains stubbornly staring The Duopoly and others in in the face!


                    Ramble as you wish about your part in our industry and The Duopoly however keep sucking on the fact that The Duopoly are standing b&ll@ck naked exposed!…. and our industry doesn’t like what its looking at…. NOT a great deal!




                    1. Robert May

                      As predicted he ran off mid discussion.

                    2. Digital Expert

                      Believe me folks, I will never run from a discussion I’m easily winning! Too much fun.

                      Well I take great pride in being part of a progressive, innovative, forward thinking industry that is undergoing severe reform due to the way consumers use technology and interact with data, so I can see how you don’t think I’m part of the same industry as you.

                      OTM has done nothing like demonstrate a weakness, quite the opposite. Again, if you were to ask Springett et al whether 9 months in if:

                      * RM share price was much improved

                      * RM market share was consolidated

                      * ZPG share price was better than IPO and out performing other online/digital company share prices

                      * Both sites increase in traffic

                      * Both sites increase in leads sent

                      * Both sites increase in marketing spend

                      * The city and investment banks stating that OTM is no threat and ZPG & RM shares back at buy status almost across the board

                      Whether that would be classed as a success the answer would be a resolute NO! The project is a damp squib and is proving embarrassing from those that claim otherwise.

                      GPL – I haven’t heard of any agents leaving the other portals and joining OTM in months and months and months. You’re deluding yourself.

                      I’m not rambling, I’m talking the truth, it just doesn’t fit with your prejudiced and biased, uninformed agenda.

                    3. Robert May

                      Winning?   you left the room after avoiding most of the salient points raised and quoted anecdotal  hearsay of your own to steer the conversation away from things you wouldn’t or couldn’t answer.

                      You are winning this debate as much as Donald Crowhurst was winning the single handed round the world yacht race by heaving to in the Atlantic while everyone else sailed round.

                    4. Digital Expert

                      I didn’t leave the room, I went about my day, Mr May. I can’t sit on here all day.

                      I notice you avoided all of my points, thus utterly avoiding the debate.

                      I’m talking OTM, not Donald Crowhurst. What about you?

                    5. Robert May

                      No idea where this  will end posting so ….@Digital Expert the reference to Donald Crowhurst was addressing your latest tangent that you are winning this debate, it was an analogy.

                      There is something very familiar about your posting style, thought processing etc, are you Peter Hendry?

                  4. Digital Expert

                    Still no counter?

                    Counter my points with facts, or don’t bother.

                    1. PeeBee

                      Sorry, but this is getting very confusing for anyone trying to follow – who, exactly, are you directing this post at?

                      Or the three or so similar posts above?

                      You can’t seem to remember who the original points were aimed at.

                      Can you actually remember the original points you are referring to?

                      Can you please explain WHY those original points require countering?

                      Answers, on a postcard please…

    3. Gump

      I have just read through this entire thread, while watching my Saturday boy clean the windows, it was very therapeutic!!


      Here’s my take.

      Digital has quoted facts, Robert and Peebee have slung mud and pretty much avoided replies with various and sometimes quite bizarre side stories.

      I am all for OTM, but Digital has won this particular debate hands down 🙂

      1. PeeBee

        Interesting ‘take’, Gump – but not an unexpected one, by any means.

        “Digital has quoted facts…”  Really?

        I’m going to quote you for a second – “Although not sure how we would survive on this forum without RM said, Z said and OTM wishes threads.”

        ‘Digital’ has only quoted what RM and Z have said – themselves and through the city puppets and puppeteers.  He calls them ‘fact’.  You have called them ‘fact’.

        Taking just one of his ‘facts’ above – “Righmove have improved share price, profits, lead levels and advertising since the launch of OTM.” – rather than cut’n’paste half of War & Peace I would ask you to follow this link to an article that you, Robert May, ‘Digital Expert’ and I ALL comented on – – and remind you what I made of the figures RM were crowing about.

        And please remember – the figures relate to performance against same period previous year – not previous period.

        As of yet we cannot examine the Zoopla figures.

        We simply have the information that we are being fed ‘as fact’.

        This debate has hardly started – and there is no finish line anywhere in sight.

        And it’s a difficult debate to have when one party keeps leaving the room only to pop up in another, days or weeks later, and wanting to start all over again…

        1. Gump

          Did you really just trawl an old thread to quote me!? Who even does that!

          Only thing I know for sure is that OTM will not be no2 by January 26th, not a prayer.

          And as you like quoting me “If they are I will send you the money for a pint on me via Ros” Paste that somewhere for future reference.

          1. PeeBee

            “Only thing I know for sure is that OTM will not be no2 by January 26th, not a prayer.”

            I never said it would, Gump – quite the reverse, actually!

            But whose fault will it be that it won’t?  Not the 5,000-odd who populate it now, that’s for certain.

            The ones that say “I am all for OTM” but don’t prove it with their support?

            I reckon I’m getting warm… what do you reckon? ;o)

            1. Gump

              Maybe I do support it 🙂 That’s what makes the debate so exciting!

      2. Robert May

        Slinging mud Gump? I think  when you read the thread you missed the bit where Digital Expert abandoned the thread , missed an entire day and only returned when his skidaddle was pointed out to him on a more recent thread.


        Again if you re -read the posts you’ll see he challenged a post of mine and then tried to have his own discussion off the back of it.  If you know who Donald Crowhurst was and what he got up to you might not be so mystified by the analogy. The analogy was only introduced after Digital Expert did a Hendry and claimed  victory  long after the other team had left the pitch.



        1. Digital Expert

          There’s a stark difference between not spending all day, every day on here and abandoning a thread. Come one, I have a life, and I’m sure you do too.

          Again, rubbishing a discussion rather than contributing to it, Robert.

          Gump hit the nail on the head, and I’m glad there are people who can see through the mud slinging. Not one of my points have been countered, which suggests they (Peebee & RM) have run out of anything constructive to say.

          1. PeeBee

            Try actually reading my response to Gump, ‘Digital Expert’.

            Rather than running out of things to say – it’s already been said.

            You just weren’t there.  Having your life, instead.

            For some of us, sad thought it may be – the industry IS our life.

            1. Digital Expert

              The Medal’s in the post.

              1. PeeBee

                Don’t see anyone looking or asking for medals.

  5. PeeBee

    The frankly appalling thing about this is that the company give NO INDICATION WHATSOEVER as to the reason for this ‘survey’ and what its’ intended use is.

    Makes you wonder who is in charge these days – or at least THINK they are… dunnit?

    1. Woodentop

      A biased support in the direction of RM is being favoured. Clearly some of the  questions are loaded in that direction and interestingly not for Z or any other web portal and other questions are so ludicrous the author clearly hasn’t done their own research. What they are after is the ammo to load a gun and one can only come to the conclusion who is in the firing line with a biased approach from the start.

  6. Chrispy

    I know this might sound strange to some of you but you could just be honest and answer the questions.

    1. Robert May

      Why? what benefit is there to agents AM or not AM helping out? Spending time FOC on compiling a report that does not need compiling with absolutely no conceivable or announced benefit. Agents do too much for nothing as it is, if Morgan Stanley want professional advice and assistance  they should buy it in.

      1. Ric

        Morning Robert, read this the right way!! I am not in anyway against you, as you know I am on your page most of the time.

        I agree we do too much for nothing Robert, but if this survey is completed by X number of people/agents and the results get air time, are OTM supporters (of which you know I am) a little crazy not to give OTM some positive answers.

        We talk of needing a voice for High Street Agency etc, yet one of our views when the banks comment on Portals and Online Budget Models is “lets say nothing to show em” and then we complain (only on here) about the findings.

        I’ve always thought if someone doesn’t say anything about something they probably don’t care enough.

        So lets say Google & Rummage went head to head in a survey as Rummage is now making some headway, would you not hope your supporters “say something” rather than pat each other on the back and stay silent to annoy the people conducting the survey?

        I have to agree with Chrispy, why not give an honest answer…. lets be fair, I would rather know now if most of the AM supporters were ready to give in at the first chance.

        1. PeeBee

          Hi Ric

          I can’t answer for Mr May – but to be fair to him he was stating that the ‘survey’ was of benefit to NO Agent and as such shouldn’t be completed at all regardless of where allegiances lie.

          With regard to ‘honesty’ – my comment to ‘Chrispy’ stands.  And if you expect this ‘survey’ to be anything less suspect than the reviews on the Agent ‘rating’ sites then you’re just too honest for your own good, matey! ;o)

        2. Robert May

          You don’t need worry about  disagreeing  Ric, it isn’t a debate without it. We are actually agreeing but in a  round about way.

          The point about this is not about just how strong Agents Mutual is and it is strong, Morgan Stanley should know without asking. I am in the same position as Morgan Stanley in needing to advise investors what to do  given the landscape of the industry, the only difference is I am the investor and it is my money being invested, as a result I am close to what is going on and have an awareness of  the stakeholders whether that is AM, Rightmove, Zoopla, NAEA AM and all of the individual agents, affinity groups and  others. Morgan Stanley are not hence the questionnaire.

          Right now there is a single  most powerful person in the entire industry, that person hasn’t realised how powerful they are. My objection to this survey is not who responds  and how but the fact a respected bank is so out of touch they do not know.


          p.s. We don’t mention R4  on here now that will get posts deleted and me accused of promoting it on a daily basis.

    2. PeeBee

      ‘Chrispy’ – you can ask all you want for ‘honesty’… but there are waaay too many  agendas out there to be satisfied to give anything other than the faintest hope of a ‘true’ picture being painted – and well you know it.

      Unfortunately, as is usually the case, it’s the ‘honest’ ones that will suffer most as a result.

  7. GPL

    ….last year’s report based on 169 responses?


    It’s mindnumbing to think that this nonsense becomes the foundation for a report to investors?


    Who is this bank? Morgan Stanley? …..just write whatever your client wants in order that folk keep investing…. that’s how you normally do it, don’t you?



  8. Simon Chan

    Whoever wrote the questions for that survey is about as smart as the people who signed up with Agents Mutual.

    1. Disillusioned

      Still sat on the fence then, eh Simon?

      1. Simon Chan

        I was, but now I’m off it. For the time being, anyway.

        Joining OTM seemed more of a protest than a worthwhile place to advertise my listings which is why I was sat on the fence initially. I didn’t really mind about the protest side of things so long as it was a worthwhile spend but from what I’ve heard from other (admittedly only 3) London based agents in my specific area and what I’ve seen in general since January it’s there, and exists, but that’s about it. It bombed into the swimming pool so to speak and caused an inevitable splash at the time but nothing to speak of since.

        I’ll revisit the idea of joining in 3-4 years if it’s still around and if it’s a worthwhile advertising platform but I wouldn’t bet much on it being around then in its current form (restrictions etc).

        1. Pomdownunder

          Wow Simon. What exactly were you expecting inside less than a year? It takes time to build traction when it comes to any web based site. For one unless you bankrupt yourself on SEM spend for google etc. (which isn’t always that effective anyway) it takes time before you rank on page 1 organically, which is going to be a key way of bringing consumers to the website.

          Also they (OTM) have to hope that you have zero stock, and that the other agents giving up so early also have zero stock. As without content, all the marketing in the world doesn’t make a bit of difference. The consumer will find the site, then bounce when they realise it only has a limited amount of stock in the area they’re looking. High bounce rate and low time on site = not a very successful website.

          If you want to see an industry owned website succeed (not suggesting you do as I don’t know your motivations) you have to come on a journey with them. The jump on the boat down the line tact helps no-one and to be quite honest if too many agents adopt that attitude it takes even longer to get to that point where you’d be happy to be involved again.

    2. Ric

      Ouch that hurts! You’re not a banker are you Simon?

      1. Simon Chan

        If I was I wouldn’t have been at work on Saturday and worked 6 days that week because one of my negotiators called in sick! Oh, and my wife wouldn’t have been in a bad mood with me all Saturday night even though she said “I told you, I’m fine. Now leave it” all evening.

        1. Ric

          Fair play but nothing new in the world of estate agency (managers or directors of a certain size company) lead by example! You clearly do and hats off to you.

          My son often wonders if I live at home Monday to Saturday and only on a Sunday does he see dad in bed…… my wife on the other hand, thinks I should work Sundays too.

          Just to think, with the help of Z (less so RM) we will soon be able to work from the bedroom as the budget stay at home model rises (Your wife will be happier and mine less so)…… good job some of us daft ones get what AM is all about….


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