Hear, hear! One of our favourite agents crops up beside the crossword

Embarking on the crossword on the back page of the Telegraph yesterday, out of the corner of our EYE we spotted a familiar face in the advert alongside.

Indeed, none other than agent Deryck Highet, who can now apparently hear every word that is said in business meetings thanks to getting his hearing back through some obviously highly effective (and invisible) aids.

Highet is now director at Northwood Wirrall, but we first knew him when he was south-west regional director at Bradford & Bingley, looking after both bank branches and estate agency offices. We enjoyed some lovely – sorry, we meant to say thoroughly business-like – lunches

He then became director of intermediary sales at Legal Marketing Services and remained one of our favourite people.

Having not caught up with him for a while, it is a real pleasure to see him again. Even if it was in an endorsement of hearing aids.

And even though the spelling of his name has been, for years, a regular trip-up for journalists.

Sorry, what did you say?


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One Comment

  1. PeeBee

    Can’t believe you’ve ran this without a screengrab!

    NOT because I want to see the old bu99er again…

    …just it would be nice to have a crossword to have a bash at!

    Hope my old RED is on top form!



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