Half of UK renters living with a disrepair issue

Around half (48%) of UK tenants are currently living with one or more housing disrepair issues such as mould, damp, leaks, electrical hazards, heating and hot water issues or blocked drains, according to a new study. 

Tenants aged 18 to 24 are the most likely to be living with an issue (67%), followed by 35- to 44-year-olds (52%).  

The city with the most housing disrepair issues was shown to be Nottingham, where six in ten (60%) tenants revealed they are living with one or more issues. This was followed by Bristol (59%), Manchester (58%), Newcastle and Norwich (both 57%) and London (55%). 

The survey of 1,000 current UK rental tenants was carried out by law firm Hodge Jones & Allen, which raised concerns that a “high proportion” of renters are living in conditions that “could be unsafe or impact their long-term health”. 

While the majority (83%) of tenants revealed that they’ve reported at least one of the issues to their landlord already, 17% had not yet done so. 

Of those who said they hadn’t reported the disrepair issue(s) they are living with, a third (36%) said it was “too much hassle”, or they thought there was “no point as nothing would be done about it”. 

On average, those who have reported issues saw them fixed in just six days. However, over a quarter (28%) of tenants said they have been waiting six months or more for their issue to be resolved by their landlord or local authority. 

Tenants in Norwich have the longest average wait time for a repair to be made (ten days), followed by those in Leeds (nine days) and Liverpool (eight and a half days).

However, tenants in Edinburgh are the most likely to have waited over six months for their disrepair issue to be fixed (67%).


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  1. AcornsRNuts

    Housing disrepair issues such as mould, damp, leaks, electrical hazards, heating and hot water issues or blocked drains.

    Mould. nine times out of ten that is tenant caused,
    Leaks and blocked drains – some of those are covered by the Denning Judgement surely? Mind you, since Hodge Jones & Allen are a London solicitors founded in September 1977 by Henry Hodge, Peter Jones, and Patrick Allen, specialising in legal aid work and favouring radical causes, you would not expect them to be at all favourable to landlords, would you?

  2. jeremy1960

    I presume for fairness and clarity, this firm of lawyers can also provide a breakdown of their figures to show social tenants and those in private rented? When they can, let’s then see who is the worst culprit, social or PRS.

    1. AcornsRNuts

      There is a whole block called Barton House in Bristol, that has been evacuated to a local mosque (no comment) because “On Monday, a structural engineer commissioned by the council to investigate three of the flats delivered a report that led the council to conclude that an explosion could pose a risk to the structure. On Tuesday the building was evacuated, leaving hundreds of residents temporarily homeless.”

      Not PRS but Social Housing.


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